Friday, May 31, 2013

Wedding Video

Our wedding video has arrived. It is so fun to watch and relive the best day of my life. Click here for a link to the highlights reel if you would like to take a look :)

The ending is my favorite part so make sure you watch all the way through!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

First Mothers Day

I started the day today staring at this little face, moved to tears over the joy and blessing of being her mommy. It feels like today, I want to celebrate her because it is through her that I have received the incredibly gift of motherhood and my new path to sanctity. My only desire and prayer this day is the transformation my heart to be more like the heart of the Blessed Mother so that I can be a good holy mother to my daughter. Through holding tight to the rosary and seeking every day to imitate the virtues of the Blessed Mother I may have a glimpse of Mother Mary's heart and ability to love my daughter as our heavenly mother loves all her children. I am thankful for all the women in my life who show me a mothers love, especially my mom and mother-in-law who are both incredible examples of true motherhood. A deep desire in my heart was filled the day I found out I am a mom and I pray that I may use this gift to draw closer to Our Lord! Jesus help me to love my daughter with the sacrificial love with which you love me.

On this special day I also remember heavy in my heart all of my dear loved ones who have lost their children to miscarriage and early delivery. You are forever a mother and I pray that your heart would be consoled on this day knowing that you created a perfect home for your special baby until they were entrusted again to our merciful father in heaven.