On October 13th Eric and I received the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony! WE ARE MARRIED! IT was the most wonderful day of our lives. The joy I felt all day was overwhelming and so amazing. My parents gave us the most glorious wedding possible. We had about 250 people in attendance and the Church and reception were beautiful and elegant. We were surrounded by amazing family and friends who made us both feel so loved and special on that amazing day!
I will admit that I started crying as soon as I stepped into the doorway to walk down the aisle and saw my beloved standing there waiting for me. A million thoughts ran though my head as I walked down a very long aisle (long enough to be a blubbering mess when I got there). Saying our vows resulted in more tears. I knew the words we would say but as I said them I made sure to really take in what I was saying. The one that struck my heart the most was when I said "I will love you and honor you all the days of my life." Honor...what a beautiful reality that for the rest of my life I will honor this wonderful man and he will honor me.
Another very special moment for me that day was when I danced with my dad! We had a waltz choreographed for us and had been practicing for over a month. When the time came for us to perform our dance for everyone I honestly forgot the crowds were there and just enjoyed a dance with my daddy! Those who know me know how much I am a daddy's girl so that dance was incredibly special for me.
Father Thomas opened the reception meal with a beautiful reflection in which he spoke about my vocational discernment and his joy in seeing my vocation realized in God's perfect timing.
Eric's best man Brett (also his brother) gave an amazing toast filled with humor and sentiment. He definitely hit that one out of the park! My Matron of Honor Jacque gave a tear jerker speech (as I expected). She recalled the amazing ways in which Eric courted me and ended with the best compliment possible saying that I remind her of the Blessed Mother :)
The big surprise of the evening was an incredible act performed by my husband. Eric asked me a few weeks before the wedding if at the reception he could wash my feet to show that as the leader of our marriage and family, he would be a servant leader who would strive to humbly serve me and our family. It was a beautiful moment between the two of us and one that so many of the guests were moved by. Attached below is an article further explaining the washing of the brides feet by the groom.
We have been hearing from so many people how great of a time they had at our wedding! The one comment we hear most is that it was a holy and spiritual event. That was the most important thing for us so we are so happy to hear that people noticed that God was the center of the entire day. The wedding day was pure bliss and the best day of my life but nothing compares to now living out our vocation, daily loving each other and striving to help lead each other to heaven. We have been blessed to be called to such an incredible sacrament. Every day I feel closer to our Lord as I see him in the face of my spouse!
Article on feet washing:
Mr and Mrs Mattson