As we enter the third trimester of pregnancy the conversations between Eric and I have become more and more focused on the delivery of our little one. I have said from the beginning that I would love to have a labor and delivery unassisted by any drugs and that desire has grown more and more as the day approaches. The only thing really holding me back was fear. I admit that I am afraid of giving birth (who wouldn't be?). I hear things like "it is the most pain any human will ever feel", "I felt like my insides were splitting open", "I thought I might die" and other scary statements. I have a very sensitive body and a low threshold for pain so the thought of those things happening to my body terrify me. I witnessed a birth (thank you Andi for that honor) and was amazed at how beautifully my good friend labored. She was induced, it was her first, and she took no drugs at all (unbelievable right?). She was a champ and never once cried or screamed. She was committed ahead of time to having an all natural labor and it wasn't until right before she began pushing that she even mentioned wanting something to "take the edge off." Her husband talked her out of it because he knew she was in transition and just feeling defeated. I am sure she is glad he convinced her to stick with her goal. Another good friend of mine had a C-section with her first baby and a VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section) with her second and talks about how amazing giving birth was and how she can't wait to do it again. Having witnessed one birth and hearing the positive statements from the second help me know it is possible and gives me hope for myself.
Now let me be clear, I am not doing this so I can have some sort of bragging rights or so I can feel like a hero. I do not look negatively in any way on women who get an epidural. Each woman needs to decide for her body what is best. The reason I am opting for natural labor is because I have done the research and the risks of an epidural scare me more than the pain of not having one. Most women who get an epidural are completely find but the statistics show that medical interventions increase C-section rates. A c-section is certainly not the end of the world and all that really matters is that mommy and baby are healthy. The reason Eric and I do not want a c-section is because we hope and pray for a big family and having c-sections could jeopardize that desire.
Epidurals also slow down labor and can lead to the doctor insisting on the use of petocin which inhibits the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is essential in birth and any synthetic form should only be used when medically necessary. More on this here
One final reason we are going to seek a natural birth is due to the redemptive value of suffering and the reason childbirth pain exists. With the fall of mankind came consequences and the consequence given to women was pain in childbirth (see Genesis 3:16). I desire to accept this as coming from God and not seek to escape it is not necessary. I also do not want to lose this opportunity to offer my suffering back to God. In our culture we see pain as evil and something to be avoided. We live in an aspirin popping culture that constantly seeks to avoid pain. Pain can be very redemptive and I am going to make a list of intentions that Eric can read to me during labor and with each contraction I will offer my pain to God in reparation for sin and to seek graces for those in need. Feel free to let me know if you have an intention you would like us to include. More on the redemptive value of suffering here
If I am going to achieve my goal of natural labor I am going to need a serious game plan and a lot of support from Eric (thankfully he is on the same page as me and totally committed to doing whatever he needs to see me through labor and delivery). Thank God one of my strengths is "input" which means I am a collector. I do not collect stamps or hats, instead I love to collect information. I love research and have been reading every article and book I can get my hands on that might help me prepare for the experience of labor and delivery. I have always loved pregnancy and know ridiculous amounts about pregnancy and babies and now that knowledge is finally going to pay off. I am finding that the more I read the more I am convinced that I can do this and the more I am convinced that it is the best way. There are so many wonderful resources out there and women with amazing advice. I am willing to give it all a try to figure out what will work best for me. Preparation will be key in this process. About a year ago I ran a marathon and I never would have made it if I did not train. Giving birth is much bigger so my training needs to be even more focused. These next three months are all about training for the big day. It is time to prepare my body, mind, and soul for labor and delivery. All three need to be focused and committed. So from this day forward the word epidural does not exist. It is deemed a bad word in my house. I need to function as if it isn't even an option. So here I go! Pray for us!
PS: I am not totally closed to the E word if it become necessary. I know of cases where is was absolutely needed for medical reasons and if that is my case then absolutely I will use it!
Some good resources for preparing for natural labor...
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Not just for baby
As different physical trials present themselves during pregnancy I often think "this is all for my little girl." Recently though I was thinking that it is for more than just her that I willingly offer my body and accept sufferings that come my way. I am doing this for my husband as well. Those who know me know how deeply I love my husband and being pregnant is allowing me to love him in yet another way. He has given me the gift of motherhood and I am giving him the gift of fatherhood. When we got married the two became one flesh and my body was given to him and his to me. I offer my body as a home to grow and nurture our little girl because I love him and want to see him become an amazing and holy father. Yes I do this all for our daughter but I also do it for my husband because through this sacrifice I can give him one of the greatest gifts he will ever receive, fatherhood! Thinking about this helps me make every little pain and ache an act of love. Now to keep that in mind during labor and delivery too :)
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