Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Day 19: So much to be thankful for
Today I am thankful that I have so much to be thankful for! Not everyone would be able to find something daily to be thankful for. My life is full and blessed and for that I am thankful!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Day 18: Healthy Baby
Today I am thankful that our little girl is a very happy and healthy baby! At her 4 month check today the doctor said she is growing perfectly. She weighs 15lbs 4oz (50-75th percentile), and was 26 inches long (first time on the charts at 90th percentile). She is smiling, laughing, rolling around and playing just like a baby her age should be.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Day 16: Our Daughter
Today I am thankful for mine and Eric's sweet daughter Mary. She is four months today and in just four months she has filled my heart with more love than I had ever known. Every day I am amazed at how much I can love this tiny little person. She brings me so much joy and peace. I can never cease thanking God for the blessing that is our little baby boo.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Day 15: Lady at Mass
Today I am thankful for the kind little old lady at Mass who noticed that I did not go to communion because I was nursing the baby and promptly asked for the Eucharist to be brought to me in my seat. She then proceeded to thank us for bringing the baby to Mass. God bless her caring soul and I pray that God share with her whatever graces I received at communion.
Day 14: Naps
Today I am thankful for naps! No explanation needed as I am sure most everyone will agree :)
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Adventures In Co-Sleeping
Let's just say that the picture below was me last night. I have previously written about how much I love co-sleeping and my experience last night did not change my love for it one bit but I know other co-sleeping parents will get a chuckle out of our night. Most of the time we truly are the top picture but Mary has newly been set free from her swaddle and the adventures have begun. With her legs free Mary now loves to sleep with her feet resting on my stomach. I think it is really sweet that at all times she has to have some part of her body touching me...my love language is physical touch so this works out well. Last night though she took physical touch to a hilarious level. Let's see. throughout the course of the night I got kicked in the face, a hand in the eye, and a finger in my nose. I couldn't help but keep laughing because how does a four month old get turned all the way around in order to kick mommy in the face and how impressive is the precision of a baby who can get their tiny finger in mommy's nose with her eyes closed mind you. I am looking forward to this next stage in co-sleeping and am sure I will have lots of fun stories to share.
Day 13: A Fireman's Schedule
There are advantages and disadvantages to the schedule of a fireman but today I am thankful for the advantage that when he is off we are able to spend the day together doing family activities. Today we went down to the Newport Dunes and walked/ran around while Mary slept in the stroller. It is a random Wednesday and we are blessed to have Eric home and spending time with us so I am feeling thankful for a fireman's schedule today.
Day 12: The Bob
Today I am thankful for The Bob jogging stroller. It has allowed me to
get out for a run the last several days. I missed running and it feels
so good to get going again. The best part is that it is such a smooth
ride that my little girl loves to sit and look around as we go. I
wasn't sure how hard it would be to run with my hand on a stroller but
actually I prefer it. It keeps my posture more upright which is ideal
for running. Maybe this is just further proof that I am meant to be a
mom :)
get out for a run the last several days. I missed running and it feels
so good to get going again. The best part is that it is such a smooth
ride that my little girl loves to sit and look around as we go. I
wasn't sure how hard it would be to run with my hand on a stroller but
actually I prefer it. It keeps my posture more upright which is ideal
for running. Maybe this is just further proof that I am meant to be a
mom :)
Monday, November 11, 2013
Day 11- Veterans and 2016
I didn't get a chance to write yesterday so I will post two things I am thankful for today
First of course is all who have served our country, my awesome father in law being one such brave man. I thank you for your willingness to defend this great country and I pray that one day it will once again be the country you fought for: a place that protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
And on that note the second thing I am thankful for is that 2016 isn't too far away ;-) Let's take back this great country! Sorry to get political but that's what I'm thankful for :)
First of course is all who have served our country, my awesome father in law being one such brave man. I thank you for your willingness to defend this great country and I pray that one day it will once again be the country you fought for: a place that protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
And on that note the second thing I am thankful for is that 2016 isn't too far away ;-) Let's take back this great country! Sorry to get political but that's what I'm thankful for :)
Saturday, November 9, 2013
day 9- Edit
Today I am thankful that the iPhone Facebook app now has an edit
feature. Totally lame I know but I'm the queen of typos and mistaken
auto corrects so I'm thankful I can now edit my posts. It's the
little things in life sometimes...
feature. Totally lame I know but I'm the queen of typos and mistaken
auto corrects so I'm thankful I can now edit my posts. It's the
little things in life sometimes...
Day 8- My friend Kelli
Today I am thankful for my friend Kelli! I am reminded today how
thankful I am because I am going through a huge box of awesome hand me
downs from her daughters but I am thankful for her for so many more
reasons. She has always been such a wonderful, loving and supportive
friend! We have seen each other grow and go through life and I can't
imagine life without her! From hanging out after finishing a high
school play to singing songs about bird houses, making cake pops and
running half marathons I love you my dear friend and I am so thankful
for you!
thankful I am because I am going through a huge box of awesome hand me
downs from her daughters but I am thankful for her for so many more
reasons. She has always been such a wonderful, loving and supportive
friend! We have seen each other grow and go through life and I can't
imagine life without her! From hanging out after finishing a high
school play to singing songs about bird houses, making cake pops and
running half marathons I love you my dear friend and I am so thankful
for you!
At my baby shower that Kelli helped plan
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Day 7- My Girlfriends
Today I am thankful for my girlfriends! Raising children is hard enough, then add in the challenges of today's culture and it can look near impossible to raise saints. The world really is working against us in so many ways. I am so thankful though that I have the most amazing girlfriends to raise kids with. My baby is still so young but already we are able to encourage and support each other in our common goal of raising kids who are holy. We have an ongoing group text message where we can send out parenting questions , funny stories, or prayer requests and immediately have 4 other moms respond with love. We had a play group today (we missed you Andi!) and one of the moms taught the kids a lesson on the Saints. The older kids amazed me as they were able to name so many Saints that they love. Later on the playground I heard them pretending to be the Saints they learned about. It made my heart smile to see these little ones already so excited about their faith. I am so thankful for you Jacque, Chantal, Jen, and Andi! Together I know we can combat the culture and raise little Saints!
Some of the group at today's playdate
I approve of this budding romance ;-)
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Day 6- My mother-in-law and Auntie Marcy
Today I am thankful for my mother-in-law and Eric's Aunt Marcy.
My mother-in-law drove around trip 30 minutes twice today to take Eric, Mary, and I to get my car fixed at a mechanic down by where they live. Not only did she chauffeur us around but she had food prepared for us for lunch when we got to her house. I write that I am thankful for her today but really I am thankful for her every day! So many people have mother-in-law horror stories but I could not have asked for a more wonderful mother-in-law. She is a woman of great faith and virtue and great role model to me. For her I am VERY thankful.
Today I am also thankful for Eric's Aunt Marcy. She has her own hair salon just a few minutes from where Eric's parents live and was able to give me a last minute haircut today. I haven't had my hair cut since before Mary was born so if feels so nice to have it all trimmed up and healthy! To top it off she is so fun to chat with and it was great to catch up with someone who is family while getting beautified!
My mother-in-law drove around trip 30 minutes twice today to take Eric, Mary, and I to get my car fixed at a mechanic down by where they live. Not only did she chauffeur us around but she had food prepared for us for lunch when we got to her house. I write that I am thankful for her today but really I am thankful for her every day! So many people have mother-in-law horror stories but I could not have asked for a more wonderful mother-in-law. She is a woman of great faith and virtue and great role model to me. For her I am VERY thankful.
Today I am also thankful for Eric's Aunt Marcy. She has her own hair salon just a few minutes from where Eric's parents live and was able to give me a last minute haircut today. I haven't had my hair cut since before Mary was born so if feels so nice to have it all trimmed up and healthy! To top it off she is so fun to chat with and it was great to catch up with someone who is family while getting beautified!
My mother-in-law
(Isn't she a beauty?)
Auntie Marcy
(liking her lips in anticipation of my desserts :)
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Day 5- Correction

Monday, November 4, 2013
Day 4- Breast Feeding
Today I am thankful that I am able to breastfeed my daughter. I have some friends who were so disappointed when they either were not able to breastfeed at all or only do it short term and I was nervous hoping I wouldn't have trouble. Praise God breastfeeding came easy to Mary and I. I cherish the time we spend sitting in the glider with her nursing. She often just gazes up at me and sometimes unlatches just to give me a sweet smile. I love that nursing instantly calms her when anything is wrong and I love that she so easily goes to sleep nursing away. And to top it all off, I love how healthy it is for Mary. Today I am thankful for breastfeeding and look forward to many more months of that beautiful act of bonding with our girl!
Here is some great info on the benefits of breastfeeding
Here is some great info on the benefits of breastfeeding
Day 3- So Cal weather
Today I am thankful for So Cal weather! It's November and Mary and I
were able to get outside for a walk around the Irvine farmer's market. I loved talking to her as we strolled around the outdoor market. Afternoons like these are so special and are the memories I will really cherish when many years from now I look back on her time as a baby.
were able to get outside for a walk around the Irvine farmer's market. I loved talking to her as we strolled around the outdoor market. Afternoons like these are so special and are the memories I will really cherish when many years from now I look back on her time as a baby.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Day 2- Love Languages
Today I'm thankful for love languages. Have you ever heard of The
Five Love
Languages by Gary Chapman? It is such an interesting book and concept.
He basically says that everyone has a love language and in order to
best love another person you should show that love via their specific
language. My love language is physical touch. Makes sense why
yesterday's day of thankfulness was co sleeping :) I feel loved when my
husband holds my hand, rubs my back, and puts his arm around me. I
feel loved when my daughter puts her head on my shoulder or reaches
out to touch my arm while she sleeps. My husband has the same love
language as me and I am thankful for that because it makes it easier
for us to effectively express love to each other as we speak each others love language naturally. When I am upset or feeling my love tank isn't full I know exactly what will fill it up
because I know my love language. And because I know Eric's love
language I know to rub his back or snuggle up to him when I want to fill what Chapman calls his "love tank". So I am thankful for the love languages because they make feeling loved and loving others so much easier!
Languages by Gary Chapman? It is such an interesting book and concept.
He basically says that everyone has a love language and in order to
best love another person you should show that love via their specific
language. My love language is physical touch. Makes sense why
yesterday's day of thankfulness was co sleeping :) I feel loved when my
husband holds my hand, rubs my back, and puts his arm around me. I
feel loved when my daughter puts her head on my shoulder or reaches
out to touch my arm while she sleeps. My husband has the same love
language as me and I am thankful for that because it makes it easier
for us to effectively express love to each other as we speak each others love language naturally. When I am upset or feeling my love tank isn't full I know exactly what will fill it up
because I know my love language. And because I know Eric's love
language I know to rub his back or snuggle up to him when I want to fill what Chapman calls his "love tank". So I am thankful for the love languages because they make feeling loved and loving others so much easier!
More info on the Love Languages can be read here
30 Days of Thanksgiving...Day 1: Co-Sleeping
During this month with Thanksgiving I am going to reflect each day on something I am thankful for. I think this is a great yearly exercise to remind ourselves just how blessed we are.
Today I am thankful for co sleeping. I love sleeping with my
little girl in
our bed. Some people don't understand co sleeping and question it
or think it's weird. I hear comments like "you're spoiling her", "she
will never sleep in her own bed because you're creating bad habits" or "how
do you ever get 'mommy and daddy time' <wink wink> if you know what I
mean." But when I think of co sleeping I see nights with plenty of
sleep for both baby and I. I see a baby becoming beautifully attached
to her mommy. I see me not having to worry if she is ok in another
room, I can just look over and see her fast asleep. I am thankful for
co sleeping because I love that my daughter at just 3 months old
reaches out to have her hand on me while she sleeps because the mere
touch of mommy brings her comfort. I love co sleeping and I'm so
thankful we chose to do it with our little Mary!
BTW: co sleeping does not spoil children, she won't be sleeping with
us her whole life, and co sleeping parents find plenty of time for
"mommy and daddy time"
our bed. Some people don't understand co sleeping and question it
or think it's weird. I hear comments like "you're spoiling her", "she
will never sleep in her own bed because you're creating bad habits" or "how
do you ever get 'mommy and daddy time' <wink wink> if you know what I
mean." But when I think of co sleeping I see nights with plenty of
sleep for both baby and I. I see a baby becoming beautifully attached
to her mommy. I see me not having to worry if she is ok in another
room, I can just look over and see her fast asleep. I am thankful for
co sleeping because I love that my daughter at just 3 months old
reaches out to have her hand on me while she sleeps because the mere
touch of mommy brings her comfort. I love co sleeping and I'm so
thankful we chose to do it with our little Mary!
BTW: co sleeping does not spoil children, she won't be sleeping with
us her whole life, and co sleeping parents find plenty of time for
"mommy and daddy time"
If you are interested in more info about co-sleeping check out this link
I get to sleep next to this beautiful burrito every night:)
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