Thursday, May 31, 2012

Creative with Cooking

One aspect of being a wife that I am really looking forward to is cooking meals. Meals have always been a large part of our Catholic faith. Jesus chose to reveal the depths of his love for his people at the most important meal ever, the Last Supper, and he continues to give himself to us every single day through the Eucharist at Mass. Cooking meals for Eric is a labor of love for me. Thankfully I am marrying a man who loves to eat! We have decided that once we are married we will once a week (either Saturday or Sunday depending on his work schedule) cook a huge indulgent meal for us to enjoy. The other days though will be more focused on being healthy. Due to the nature of Eric's job as a firefighter and his commitment to stay healthy for his family, he currently eats, one might say, simply. I should mention that I am forever grateful for his commitment to being healthy so he can do his job well and most important be a husband and father well into old age. His focus is on lean meats, vegetables, and protein. Desiring to cook meals he will really enjoy while staying within his desired way of eating, I have begun the process of searching for new ways to cook making use of chicken, lean beef, fish, and veggies. Tonight we are going to go out on a limb and are going to try cooking something entirely new: Shepherd's pie with a twist. Instead of mashed potatoes the recipe uses mashed cauliflower for the top. And instead of beef I am using ground turkey. I'll let you know how it turns out. Maybe we will find a new treasure that will become a regular once we are married. Here is a link to the recipe if you are interested...

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I'd share that if you're looking for recipes within Eric's eating style, google "17 Day Diet Recipes". It's how we eat with lean meats, veggies a couple fruits. You learn things like grilled eggplant with a low-sugar, lean turkey marinara sauce. Grilled eggplant tastes just like a carb, so you trick your body and mind. ;-) (it's our version of spaghetti night!) Happy Cooking!
