Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Proverbs 31:15

She rises also while it is still night
And gives food to her household
When I read this first line all I could think about was my dear girlfriends who so often get up with a restless baby in order to allow their husband to continue sleeping. What a beautiful sacrifice women make when they sacrifice sleep to care for their family. A good wife will sacrifice even sleep for the good of her family.
The second line here about giving food to the household brings me back to a blog post I made several weeks ago about cooking. I really believe this is a great skill that every wife needs to have. They don't say "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" for nothing. Food gives life and is an act of love and charity when done for others. Remember the reference to doing work joyfully from a few lines earlier? That should apply here too. A good wife will spend a lot of time in the kitchen but this can be a beautiful task if seen as an act of love.
A little note to any men reading this: 
If your wife cooks for you be gracious and thankful. Even if you think you could have cooked the meal better, don't criticize. Approach each meal with an attitude of thankfulness. It always makes me feel really appreciated when Eric thanks be for cooking for him. He is a great cook himself but he always shows so much gratitude for any meals I make him, not necessarily because they are award winning but because he knows that I cook out of love for him and he appreciates my efforts.


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