Saturday, November 24, 2012

More proundly pro-life

I have always been pro-life. Since a very young age I have loved babies and have always believed that abortion was the innocent taking of the life of a sweet baby. As pro-life as I previously was, it was admittedly not something I got overly involved in. I would talk about the evils of abortion and how I refuse to vote for a candidate that supports such an act but it wasn't until becoming pregnant that the discussion about abortion became very emotional for me.  Each week I get an e-mail that tells me what the baby is doing and how he or she is growing. I honestly had no idea how quickly these little miracles grow and develop. I am 8 weeks pregnant right now and my little one has a beating heart, fully working kidney's, and is even moving her or her arms and legs. He or she is the size of a raspberry and still has the ability to move. His or her face is now taking shape and will soon look like mommy and daddy. Sitting in bed contemplating this with my husband it suddenly hit me that the majority of abortions take place right at this time. Many women discover an unplanned pregnancy during this time and make the agonizing and hopeless decision to end the life of their child. This realization brought on several different emotions. I felt angry that we live in a world were it is acceptable to end the life of another innocent person. I felt angry that I can right now walk into a clinic right now and pay to have the life inside of me ended and legally no one could stop me and the government will do nothing to protect my child. I felt sad because all those little lives were so busy growing in what should have been the safest place possible and yet proved to be the most tragic place for them. I felt overwhelmed by the sad reality that many woman who have abortions don't know what they are doing. They have been lied to and told that they just have a clump of cells in them or that it is okay because the "fetus" (blah I hate when people use that word) isn't viable anyways. What they aren't told is that the baby has a beating heart, that the baby is moving inside even though they can't feel it, and that he or she has their whole life ahead of them as a beautiful new creation with an infinite soul created by God. If abortion clinics really wanted to give woman a choice, they would tell them these truths before allowing them to have an abortion. Women deserve all the facts before making such a huge life changing decision.

But here is the bottom line for me and why I am more passionately pro-life than I have ever been. The only difference between the baby in my belly and the vast majority of babies who are a victim of abortion is being wanted. My husband and I prayed and hoping to become pregnant on our wedding night (God is so faithful) and our baby is wanted with every fiber of our being. The baby in a teenage mother or young business woman or rape victims body is at the same stage in development and is as much a human life as the baby in my tummy but unfortunately the baby in these other women's womb is unwanted. That is the only difference. So in order to be pro-choice a person has two options: you can either claim that the baby in my tummy right now is NOT a human life. That even though he or she has a beating heart and rapid development, you know it is not a human. The only other way one can support a pro-choice stance is to agree that yes what is in my belly is a baby but that you don't care or don't think my baby is valuable. There are no other options in this argument. You have to either tell me that I am not pregnant with a human life or that the baby in my belly is unimportant. If you can look me, a pregnant lady, in the eyes and tell me one of those is true then I will let you go about your way believing the lies society has told you. But if you can not look at me and tell me that I am not pregnant with a new life or that that new life is not important then I beg you to reconsider why you think abortion is acceptable.  Remember the only difference between what is in my womb and in the womb of a vast majority of abortion minded woman is being wanted.  Are you truly comfortable allowing women to stop a beating heart because they don't want that heart? Does being unwanted change the value of someones life?  Does being unwanted mean that don't deserve a chance at life? Or could it be that we just aren't doing a good enough job helping abortion minded women find other options and recognize that the baby in their womb is wanted, that God wants them and so do countless other families who are seeking adoption?

Here is a link to where my baby currently is at in development. Please look it over and ask yourself if you are really comfortable with allowing women to end this little life?

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