Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Not just for baby

As different physical trials present themselves during pregnancy I often think "this is all for my little girl." Recently though I was thinking that it is for more than just her that I willingly offer my body and accept sufferings that come my way. I am doing this for my husband as well. Those who know me know how deeply I love my husband and being pregnant is allowing me to love him in yet another way. He has given me the gift of motherhood and I am giving him the gift of fatherhood. When we got married the two became one flesh and my body was given to him and his to me. I offer my body as a home to grow and nurture our little girl because I love him and want to see him become an amazing and holy father. Yes I do this all for our daughter but I also do it for my husband because through this sacrifice I can give him one of the greatest gifts he will ever receive, fatherhood! Thinking about this helps me make every little pain and ache an act of love. Now to keep that in mind during labor and delivery too :)

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