Sunday, July 7, 2013


Tomorrow I get to finally have two of my worlds come together. My beautiful friend Sr. Catherine Marie of the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist will meet Eric. Sr. Catherine tried so hard to foster a religious vocation in me and at times I too thought religious life could be my vocation. The problem was that as much as the life of a religious sister was beautiful to me, it just never felt quite right. I would see the peace and joy Sr. Catherine had as a sister and when I thought of that being my life the same peace and joy wasn't there. It was a mystery to both her and I as well as my spiritual director. I had to just keep trusting that one day it would all make sense. Well, I am so excited for Sr. Catherine to meet Eric because it will finally all make sense to her the way it does to me and did for my spiritual director when he met Eric. The peace and the joy that she feels as a religious sister, that peace and joy I did not feel, I completely feel with Eric. God did not call me to religious life because He knew my path to holiness would best be found in Eric. Eric draws me to holiness in ways i could not have imagined but God always knew. I highly encourage all catholic men and women to discern religious life but most importantly to abandon their vocation to God. God is so faithful. He just asks for our trust and obedience and His rewards are abundant. I am so excited for Sr. Catherine to meet Eric because she will see further proof of how beautiful it is to live out ones vocation. We have two different vocations but the same peace and joy that comes from doing the will of God.

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