Sunday, September 8, 2013

Being Home

As schools are starting back up these past few weeks I can not help but stop and think about the fact that I am not going back to another year of teaching. I loved teaching. I can honestly say that I never dreaded going to work. I loved what I did and the people I worked with. I always knew though that if God called me to motherhood that I would give up a beautiful profession to become a different kind of teacher, a teacher to my children. God has indeed blessed me with motherhood and beyond that he has also blessed me with a very hard working husband who is committed to me being home with our daughter. Me quitting my job and staying home was an absolute for us. Of course my income was great and could afford us many luxuries. We would love to buy a big family house one day and if I kept working I am sure that would become a reality much sooner but at what cost? Some mom's work because they have to in order to put food on the table and I have nothing but admiration for them. It must be incredibly difficult to work full time and be a mommy. Balancing the two seems impossible. Eric makes plenty of money to provide for the necessities and more and many might assume that I am staying home because Eric has such a great job. Truth is that I would be home if Eric made way less money. We would find ways to cut costs and things that aren't necessary because we see my being home as more important. Any time we make a choice we have to look at the costs involved and ask ourselves if it is worth it.  What are we sacrificing? If I were to continue to work we would sacrifice my precious time with our daughter. The cost would be daily moments when I get to witness her growing and be her guide as she learns to navigate through life. Countless articles have been written about the benefits to children of a mom at home. Just listen to 1 episode of Dr Laura and you will hear her go on and on about mommy being home.  Here is info right from stay at home moms about some of the benefits. Linked below is another great article about the benefits of a mom at home for the kids, husband, and mom herself. It will likely challenge you but I encourage all to read it and truly consider what it says.

I am forever grateful that I get to be with my daughter every day and whatever delay in material things we desire that happens as a result of having one income is completely worth it. I believe that Mary will one day be grateful to her daddy for working so hard so mommy can be home. I am already so thankful to have a husband who works hard so I can be home to witness every sweet smile.

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