Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thankfulness Catch-Up

Okay so November got away from me and I missed a lot of days of thankfulness but I still made sure to reflect each day on things I am thankful for. Here are a few that really stood out...

My sister-in-law Tricia: Her birthday was in November and on that day I kept thinking how incredibly blessed I am to have a sister who is so amazing! She has a beautiful ability to make people feel loved. I am so happy to be raising babies together and supporting each other. Her sense of humor never fails to leave me laughing and her wisdom often inspires me.

My in-law-family: On Thanksgiving we were able to see most of Eric's Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins and I feel so grateful to have married into a wonderful, fun, and loving family.

My parents: My parents have been an incredible support to me as a new mommy. When Eric works on a weekend I go to their house so they can spend time with Mary. It is so wonderful to see how much they love her!

My brother Jeff: My brother Jeff defines proud uncle. He loves his nieces so much and they love him. I look forward to Mary growing up and having a lot of fun with Uncle. She already loves him and his beard so much!

I could go on and on because I have so much to be thankful for but on to December we go...

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