Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sleep Coaching

Today is a big day, Mary is officially night weaned and sleeping! I have enjoyed the last 18 months of night nursing and bonding but Mary is now old enough to not need the nursing and is ready to sleep better. I was very nervous about night weaning thinking it would never work. My plan was always to let her wean herself but it was clear that she would need some gentle coaxing. I sought the advice of other mothers who co sleep and night nurse to formulate a plan. We were not interested in any type of cry-it-out methods so were seeking the input of other like minded mamas. The plan we settled on was to nurse her to sleep and then tell her no more milky until the morning. To my amazement Mary responded very well and we had very little protesting. She will give little short cries because she is tired and trying to learn a new way to fall asleep. I put my arm around her and say shhh and very quickly she goes back to sleep. Last night was our sixth night and Mary slept 8 hours, then some quick shushing and she was back down. She slept a total of 12.5 hours! And all of this while in our bed with us so if anyone tells you a co-sleeping or nursed to sleep baby won't ever sleep I submit exhibit A for their consideration. I am so proud of my big girl! To celebrate she got a special treat and a trip to the Disney store to pick out a Pluto and Goofy.

 Don't worry, she didn't eat the whole doughnut

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