It recently occurred to me that I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder with regard to some parenting blogs. Some such blogs go something like this:
"Parenting is really hard! I get no sleep, get pooped on all day, have no social life, my hair gets pulled, and my stuff broken. In spite of all these horrible sacrifices I make, crosses I bare, and the happiness that it doesn't bring,

I love my child <smiley face>." I have to first acknowledge that it is a beautiful thing to be able to see ones trials and love in spite of them. I would like though to propose a different approach to parenting. One that doesn't have a laundry list of difficulties one valiantly overcomes to still find joy. What if instead of thinking "uggg pooped on again" we thought "how silly that I just got popped on and how blessed I am to have that be a possibility because I am blessed with a child (or 2)." What if instead of thinking "when will I ever sleep again" we thought "how awesome it is to have a little miracle to tend to each night." Instead of thinking "long gone are the days of freedom and fun" and instead thinking of all the incredible growth a parent witnesses as they spend time with their children. For us moms, what if instead of thinking "when will I ever get my body back" we looked at the scars and changes to our figure and saw them as physical evidence that we loved with our whole self and are blessed to have had the opportunity to do so. Thinking like this may very well be counter-intuitive and not come naturally but if we begin to actively change the way we view parenting perhaps experiencing it as pure joy will become our first inclination. In order to grow in virtue we have to first willfully act virtuous and then the habit will form the the virtue will have been obtained. Even if you aren't yet at the point where the "struggles" are naturally joys, I propose at least speaking and writing about parenting with joy. Joyful parents are one of the best pro life messages. If I was a young girl thinking about my future and I read all these blogs about parenting being such a struggle and a stumbling block to joy I might think twice about being a mother. My personal longing for motherhood was deepened through mothers who joyfully served their family. I'm not saying parenting isn't hard but if we saw every aspect as a blessing it wouldn't feel hard anymore. What if instead of having to "offer up" aspects of parenthood, we just found joy in its every aspect. How can one achieve what I propose? I suspect it will come with a heart filled with gratitude. So many people long to be parents and would gladly take on what some see as crosses in order to participate in such a beautiful vocation. We must never take our children for granted. At the end of each day stop and think of the immense blessing your children are and as your focused thoughts change perhaps your heart will too and a heart filled will gratitude will yield a joyful soul.
Am I asking the impossible? What do you think?
PS: These same thoughts can be applied to how we view our spouse as well but that would be another blog.
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