Thursday, October 1, 2015
October and beyond
October begins my favorite time of the year: cooler weather (we pray), fall activities (including lots of baking), and several holidays. It all kicks off with the feast of Saint Therese who is very important to our family. We celebrated this morning by venerating our first class relic of Saint Therese, going to mass, and out to breakfast. As the month continues we will celebrate our anniversary (#3) and my birthday, ending the month with the eve of all Saints. November brings Thanksgiving followed by advent activities and then before we know it we will be singing happy birthday to Jesus. These three months really are the best time of the year!
Been so long since I have posted an update. Life has been moving along this crazy hot summer. We are excited that baby #2 is growing well, Paul Thomas will be here in March 2016. Mary Therese is getting big so fast. She turned two in July and is the size of a three year old (tall like daddy) and talks like a four year old. We are amazed at her incredible verbal skills but then again her mother isn't exactly quiet so this should be expected. We've taken several trips to the river and had a great time in June traveling up the west coast in our RV on our annual Modesto trip to see our nor cal friends, two of whom will be baby Paul's godparents. Our days are spent swimming at the pool, doing art and play-dough, play dates with Mary's friends, and diapering and re-diapering all the stuffed animals (someone is well prepared for her new role as big sister). Work is still going well for Eric and we are thankful he hasn't had to work on any of the brush fires that are sending so many brave men away from their families. My sweet mom had emergency gallbladder surgery a month ago and to our surprise the doctors said she nearly died and is one tough lady. We already knew she was tough and we are thankful every day that she is still here with us. Mary and I have spent time at the house keeping her company as she heals and Mary is very excited that Grandma's boo boo is getting all better. Please keep her in your prayers as she continues to recover. Please keep myself and baby Paul in your prayers as well as he continues to grow bigger and stronger and mommy hopefully continues to feel better. Here are a few recent pictures for you :) All our family and friends remain in our prayers.
Big Sister and first picture of baby brother
Loving life on the road in our RV
Our little TT turns 2T
It's a Boy
Love our river trips
Monday, May 4, 2015
"watch this"
Recently Mary has frequently been saying "Mommy, watch this" and then she does whatever it is she wants me to see. When I get excited and say how wonderful or fun or proud I am of her she beams with joy. She wants nothing more than for mommy to be proud of her. What an amazing gift this current stage is. It overflows my heart with joy whenever I hear those sweet little words: "mommy watch this." They can come at times that are not always convenient but no matter what I am doing I stop so I can watch her and acknowledge and praise what she shows me. Her desire to make me proud is so pure and wonderful and I pray it will continue because it will greatly help in her moral formation. As she gets older she will hopefully make choices that will make Eric and I proud of her. She will hopefully look to us as her moral guides. And then hopefully one day that desire to make us proud will transfer to her perfect heavenly Father and she will desire nothing more than to make God proud. The parenting style we have chosen can be demanding and sometimes questioned but these moments are exactly why we chose this path. Mary is so beautifully attached to me that nothing else comes first. Her attachment has led to this desire to please me. We are approaching 2 and still have had very little discipline issues because her trust in me is so deep that it doesn't take much to correct her. I recognize that the challenges with behavior may come but I pray that throughout her whole life and will always have that little voice inside her of saying "mommy, watch this" and so make choices that she knows will make me proud.
Just a fun picture because she is too cute!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
C-Section awareness month
Apparently April is C-section awareness month (who knew?). C-section mama's will always be very near to my heart because only we know the pain and grieving that comes along with such a birth. I saw this article posted and reading it brought tears to my eyes. It speaks so much truth. We often praise unmedicated, vaginal births and we absolutely should. We forget though to consider the strength that is required of a woman who in most cases has her dream birth suddenly taken from her. C-section for me is still painful, not physically but emotionally. Reminders that I did not hold my daughter for the first two hours pierce my heart like a sword. The agony of knowing I was unable to even see her due to the effect of the medicine even now bring tears to my eyes. I didn't put her down for several months after because subconsciously I was seeking to make up for the loss of the precious time. I see my scar daily and it reminds me of the sacrifice that was made for her. It is a painful reminder of all the things we did wrong and all the ways I feel responsible for ending up on an operating table. In the end though our births belong to God because the children we bring into the world are ultimately His. I pray for the healing of all my fellow C-section mamas. May we all find peace with our birth.
Sidenote: I do not condone showing off your scar since that is a bit immodest but I love everything else in the article.
Sidenote: I do not condone showing off your scar since that is a bit immodest but I love everything else in the article.
Why homeschool?
I recently posted a blog from Matt Walsh about homeschooling. His was a
blog about a very specific benefit of home schooling, to reduce
government influence on your children. The article spurred some very
lively discussion which I love but some were getting tripped up on the
tone of the blog so I decided I would take to my own blog to share my
thoughts. I hope you all will continue your discussion here.
So here it is, why we plan to home school and why we think all Christian families should consider it as well. (Don't stop reading yet...)
The benefits of homeschooling are well documented. I could go on and on about how they excel in school, high graduation rates , how well prepared they are for college, and how well adjusted they are, but that's not exactly what I want to talk about here. I want to specifically address first why home schooling can save you from the dangers of public school. as this was the topic of the original article I posted.
First let me lay out for you what specifically are the dangers of public school.
Students spend on average 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 13 years at school. To think they aren't being influenced and formed by their surroundings during such a large amount of time would be naive. One of the biggest dangers in public school is the information that will form them, most recently directed by common core. Be sure that the government has its agenda and their beliefs are reflected in the curriculum, see this example as one of many. Children who attend public school will receive formation from the government. I see this as a huge danger in this country that is becoming more and more morally depraved and anti-Christian. Can a Christian family counteract the teachings that contradict their faith? Sure, but it will be a challenge. Children look to their teachers and peers for so much guidance and we ourselves tell them to respect their teachers. At young formative ages it it will be tough for them to distinguish between what they are supposed to believe as true from a teacher and what is false. This can be confusing for a young child. We plan to home school in part reduce that confusion. No they will not be sheltered from the whole world so some influence will undoubtedly be there but not sending them into that potentially confusing world for the majority of their awake hours will certainly help.
Intellectual formation is not the only type of education students receive in school. Plato said that education is the acquisition of virtue. The information being taught to students will without doubt be taught through the lens of the teacher. The personal beliefs and biases of the teacher will come through their lessons. As a teacher I know this to be true first hand. It is also not uncommon to find schools directly seeking to give students moral formation. In many cases this may be great. Teaching kids to be honest and kind are wonderful lessons but we find countless examples of moral formation in the public schools going beyond teaching the golden rule and many of these teachings do not mesh with the goals of a Christian family. This danger is much more pressing than when this generation of parents was in school so we may not realize the degree of severity. There are some amazing teachers out there no doubt but even they are limited in what they can say. Parents are the primary educators of their children and home schooling can help parents better realize and live out that role.
Another reason we want to home school and believe other Christian families should consider it is that absence of God in the public schools. Children need to be completely seeped in the faith to soak it all in. We want our children to know that God is the primary focus of everything they do. If God is void at school they will have a huge part of their life compartmentalized away from the most important aspect of life. By home schooling we will be able to let everything our children do very directly be for the glory and love and God. We will be able to talk about Him throughout the day and even stop to pray often. How great for Catholic children to be able to stop and call upon Saint Thomas Aquinas to help them when a math problem seems too difficult. How important it will be to have God and His plans be part of history class. As an adult I had to go back and rethink so much of what I learned in order to fit God in. We want our children to have Christ always in mind throughout their whole day, no matter what they are doing.
One of the largest reasons we plan to home school is to guide the type of peer influence our children will encounter. Sent to public school parents lose some control over who their child will spend time with. Absolutely parents can still maintain some influence by getting to know other students and their parents and limiting their child's interaction with those who may have a negative influence. What happens though when in a class of 30 kids their is not another child with similar values to your family? Children needs friends and we know those friends do influence them. Even as kids a young as toddlers are influenced by their friends. The first time my daughter pushed was right after playing with another kid who pushed her. As her mom I taught her that pushing isn't nice but that one exposure required several teaching moments to undo. Peers can have a negative influence. I saw it happen many times as a teacher. Teens would make poor choices at the influence of their friends. Thankfully I also saw how positive peer influence can also be. Students who wanted to make morally good choices would band together and encourage one another. So what does this have to do with home school? As parents who school in our own home we will have much more influence over who our children's peers are. Eric and I are blessed to have several families with the same faith who will also home school and be a great source of friends for our children, friends who will be a positive influence and reinforce what we teach at home. This is the area where we get a lot of push back. We often hear that we can't shelter our kids. That is not our plan, our plan is to guide them on the right path and introduce them to the right peers, something that will be much easier when they aren't away from us when surrounded by a mixed group of peers who may or may not be a good influence. We also hear that we have to send our children into the schools to bring Jesus there. We completely agree that Christian families need to engage culture in order to positively influence the culture but we do not believe that a 7 year old is ready to be that example on their own. Formation is required first. Home schooling will allow us more opportunity to form our children in the faith before sending them out to witness on their own. Surrounding our children with peers who have the same beliefs will help them see that their family is not the only one who acts in certain ways that often times are very counter cultural.
A final reason I will touch on for why we will home school is something that could benefit any family, not just a Christian family. Children who are home schooled have the opportunity to receive more one on one teaching time. Rather than being 1 in a group of 30+, a home schooled child will likely receive lots of individual and focused teaching. This allows the parents to identify and address any issues, especially disabilities that could go unnoticed in a larger classroom setting. This also allows the parent to tailor the education specifically to the student. A student may excel at math and so can move up faster or may struggle in reading so can be moved along as a slower pace. A more personalized education can be had in a home school setting.
Now, let me be clear, home school doesn't work for every family and parents need to decide what will work for them. An analogy for that is that it would be great if every dad could coach their t ball team but not all dad's are able to and there are other coaches who are good or maybe even better than they are in those situations. If you aren't going to home school a great option is a private Catholic or protestant school (depending on your faith). There your children will more likely be taught morals consistent with your own. It won't necessarily be perfectly in line but better. The peers will hopefully come from families more like yours though not necessarily. Private school (especially a good catholic school) is a great option but doesn't come without its concerns as well. I taught at a great catholic high school but not every teacher perfectly taught the teachings of the church and many of the students were not the friends or influence I would chose for my children. So private school while not perfect is what we see as the only other option other than home school which we see as the best option for our family. Home schooling also has its challenges (topic for a whole different blog) and we will be ready to face them.
If you decide to send your kid to public school that is your right, I just ask you to be aware of the challenges they and you will face. Don't naively assume you can counter act what they are taught or that their peers won't influence them. Be ready and be active in your child school so you know full well what you will be fighting against.
So here it is, why we plan to home school and why we think all Christian families should consider it as well. (Don't stop reading yet...)
The benefits of homeschooling are well documented. I could go on and on about how they excel in school, high graduation rates , how well prepared they are for college, and how well adjusted they are, but that's not exactly what I want to talk about here. I want to specifically address first why home schooling can save you from the dangers of public school. as this was the topic of the original article I posted.
First let me lay out for you what specifically are the dangers of public school.
Students spend on average 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 13 years at school. To think they aren't being influenced and formed by their surroundings during such a large amount of time would be naive. One of the biggest dangers in public school is the information that will form them, most recently directed by common core. Be sure that the government has its agenda and their beliefs are reflected in the curriculum, see this example as one of many. Children who attend public school will receive formation from the government. I see this as a huge danger in this country that is becoming more and more morally depraved and anti-Christian. Can a Christian family counteract the teachings that contradict their faith? Sure, but it will be a challenge. Children look to their teachers and peers for so much guidance and we ourselves tell them to respect their teachers. At young formative ages it it will be tough for them to distinguish between what they are supposed to believe as true from a teacher and what is false. This can be confusing for a young child. We plan to home school in part reduce that confusion. No they will not be sheltered from the whole world so some influence will undoubtedly be there but not sending them into that potentially confusing world for the majority of their awake hours will certainly help.
Intellectual formation is not the only type of education students receive in school. Plato said that education is the acquisition of virtue. The information being taught to students will without doubt be taught through the lens of the teacher. The personal beliefs and biases of the teacher will come through their lessons. As a teacher I know this to be true first hand. It is also not uncommon to find schools directly seeking to give students moral formation. In many cases this may be great. Teaching kids to be honest and kind are wonderful lessons but we find countless examples of moral formation in the public schools going beyond teaching the golden rule and many of these teachings do not mesh with the goals of a Christian family. This danger is much more pressing than when this generation of parents was in school so we may not realize the degree of severity. There are some amazing teachers out there no doubt but even they are limited in what they can say. Parents are the primary educators of their children and home schooling can help parents better realize and live out that role.
Another reason we want to home school and believe other Christian families should consider it is that absence of God in the public schools. Children need to be completely seeped in the faith to soak it all in. We want our children to know that God is the primary focus of everything they do. If God is void at school they will have a huge part of their life compartmentalized away from the most important aspect of life. By home schooling we will be able to let everything our children do very directly be for the glory and love and God. We will be able to talk about Him throughout the day and even stop to pray often. How great for Catholic children to be able to stop and call upon Saint Thomas Aquinas to help them when a math problem seems too difficult. How important it will be to have God and His plans be part of history class. As an adult I had to go back and rethink so much of what I learned in order to fit God in. We want our children to have Christ always in mind throughout their whole day, no matter what they are doing.
One of the largest reasons we plan to home school is to guide the type of peer influence our children will encounter. Sent to public school parents lose some control over who their child will spend time with. Absolutely parents can still maintain some influence by getting to know other students and their parents and limiting their child's interaction with those who may have a negative influence. What happens though when in a class of 30 kids their is not another child with similar values to your family? Children needs friends and we know those friends do influence them. Even as kids a young as toddlers are influenced by their friends. The first time my daughter pushed was right after playing with another kid who pushed her. As her mom I taught her that pushing isn't nice but that one exposure required several teaching moments to undo. Peers can have a negative influence. I saw it happen many times as a teacher. Teens would make poor choices at the influence of their friends. Thankfully I also saw how positive peer influence can also be. Students who wanted to make morally good choices would band together and encourage one another. So what does this have to do with home school? As parents who school in our own home we will have much more influence over who our children's peers are. Eric and I are blessed to have several families with the same faith who will also home school and be a great source of friends for our children, friends who will be a positive influence and reinforce what we teach at home. This is the area where we get a lot of push back. We often hear that we can't shelter our kids. That is not our plan, our plan is to guide them on the right path and introduce them to the right peers, something that will be much easier when they aren't away from us when surrounded by a mixed group of peers who may or may not be a good influence. We also hear that we have to send our children into the schools to bring Jesus there. We completely agree that Christian families need to engage culture in order to positively influence the culture but we do not believe that a 7 year old is ready to be that example on their own. Formation is required first. Home schooling will allow us more opportunity to form our children in the faith before sending them out to witness on their own. Surrounding our children with peers who have the same beliefs will help them see that their family is not the only one who acts in certain ways that often times are very counter cultural.
A final reason I will touch on for why we will home school is something that could benefit any family, not just a Christian family. Children who are home schooled have the opportunity to receive more one on one teaching time. Rather than being 1 in a group of 30+, a home schooled child will likely receive lots of individual and focused teaching. This allows the parents to identify and address any issues, especially disabilities that could go unnoticed in a larger classroom setting. This also allows the parent to tailor the education specifically to the student. A student may excel at math and so can move up faster or may struggle in reading so can be moved along as a slower pace. A more personalized education can be had in a home school setting.
Now, let me be clear, home school doesn't work for every family and parents need to decide what will work for them. An analogy for that is that it would be great if every dad could coach their t ball team but not all dad's are able to and there are other coaches who are good or maybe even better than they are in those situations. If you aren't going to home school a great option is a private Catholic or protestant school (depending on your faith). There your children will more likely be taught morals consistent with your own. It won't necessarily be perfectly in line but better. The peers will hopefully come from families more like yours though not necessarily. Private school (especially a good catholic school) is a great option but doesn't come without its concerns as well. I taught at a great catholic high school but not every teacher perfectly taught the teachings of the church and many of the students were not the friends or influence I would chose for my children. So private school while not perfect is what we see as the only other option other than home school which we see as the best option for our family. Home schooling also has its challenges (topic for a whole different blog) and we will be ready to face them.
If you decide to send your kid to public school that is your right, I just ask you to be aware of the challenges they and you will face. Don't naively assume you can counter act what they are taught or that their peers won't influence them. Be ready and be active in your child school so you know full well what you will be fighting against.
You sleep how??
I never thought that the parenting choice I would get the most questions about would be how we sleep. My Facebook newsfeed is exploding with vaccine debates and don't you dare tell people I turned my daughter's car seat forward at 1 year but those are not what we get the most questioned about. What seems to in some cases shock people is Mary sleeping in our bed. I have wanted to write about this topic for a while not and I didn't want to just write a piece defending why it can be really good for babies (you can find that info here). I want to write a more personal piece about why it has worked so well for our family. Co-sleeping is a personal choice and it won't work for everyone, each family has to decide what will work best for their situation. For us co-sleeping has been and continues to be such a gift. I want to answer the most common questions we get and explain why we love sleeping with our little girl.
Objection 1: It's Not Safe
By far the most common comment we here. This is due to a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation of which the AAP is partially to blame. The short answer is that co-sleeping is perfectly safe when done correctly, info here. If not done correctly, like most anything, it can be dangerous. For us we sleep in a king size bed which leave plenty of room for everyone and I have a bedrail on my side of the bed so Mary is always safe from rolling off the bed. I can say first hand that the idea that a perfectly healthy mom will roll over onto her baby seems crazy. I sense Mary's every movement. I even heard her little breathing patterns when she was very little. Trust me you will not roll over onto your baby. Thankfully the AAP is looking at changing their statements which may help gain better understanding of this potentially great parenting practice, info about that here
Objection 2:You and baby will never sleep
No studies or links for you here. All I can say is that because of co-sleeping both Mary and I slept and still sleep very well. Yes she nursed frequently but I could just turn on my side, latch her on, and go back to sleep. She would nurse and then drift off herself. She is now night weaned and sleeping amazingly either in our bed or on her own mattress next to our bed.
Objection 3: Your kids will be weird and overly dependent
This is the oddest comment we get. I'm not sure why sleeping with your parents when young will make you weird. Sleeping with them at 15 is strange yes but a baby or toddler sleeping with their parents seems natural and is the practice of the majority of the world. Mary had not developed any strange ticks or grown an extra limb from sleeping with us. She also isn't clingy and anxious. She is a well attached child who is also very independent. We believe that co sleeping has actually helped her become independent and confident. She has a healthy attachment to Eric and I and knows she is safe in this world so doesn't fear exploring and trying things on her own. I believe co sleeping is one factor in her amazing attachment.
Objection 4: You will never get them out of your bed
Well I can't speak much to that one yet since Mary is still in our bed some nights but I can say that I know a lot of co sleeping families and none of them have a child over toddler age sleeping in their bed.
Objection 5: (my personal favorite) Enjoying all that celibacy?
This is the final comment we get and mostly from men (haha). It often makes me laugh out loud. It would not be appropriate to go into detail on this one but no, we have not been celibate for 21 months. I will say that some of the largest families I know are co sleeping families so clearly co sleeping does not equal forced celibacy. It can lead to a natural space between children since a co sleeping baby nurses more keeping mommy's fertility away longer but years of celibacy no.
So there it is. The common objections we get and our answers.
Objection 1: It's Not Safe
By far the most common comment we here. This is due to a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation of which the AAP is partially to blame. The short answer is that co-sleeping is perfectly safe when done correctly, info here. If not done correctly, like most anything, it can be dangerous. For us we sleep in a king size bed which leave plenty of room for everyone and I have a bedrail on my side of the bed so Mary is always safe from rolling off the bed. I can say first hand that the idea that a perfectly healthy mom will roll over onto her baby seems crazy. I sense Mary's every movement. I even heard her little breathing patterns when she was very little. Trust me you will not roll over onto your baby. Thankfully the AAP is looking at changing their statements which may help gain better understanding of this potentially great parenting practice, info about that here
Objection 2:You and baby will never sleep
No studies or links for you here. All I can say is that because of co-sleeping both Mary and I slept and still sleep very well. Yes she nursed frequently but I could just turn on my side, latch her on, and go back to sleep. She would nurse and then drift off herself. She is now night weaned and sleeping amazingly either in our bed or on her own mattress next to our bed.
Objection 3: Your kids will be weird and overly dependent
This is the oddest comment we get. I'm not sure why sleeping with your parents when young will make you weird. Sleeping with them at 15 is strange yes but a baby or toddler sleeping with their parents seems natural and is the practice of the majority of the world. Mary had not developed any strange ticks or grown an extra limb from sleeping with us. She also isn't clingy and anxious. She is a well attached child who is also very independent. We believe that co sleeping has actually helped her become independent and confident. She has a healthy attachment to Eric and I and knows she is safe in this world so doesn't fear exploring and trying things on her own. I believe co sleeping is one factor in her amazing attachment.
Objection 4: You will never get them out of your bed
Well I can't speak much to that one yet since Mary is still in our bed some nights but I can say that I know a lot of co sleeping families and none of them have a child over toddler age sleeping in their bed.
Objection 5: (my personal favorite) Enjoying all that celibacy?
This is the final comment we get and mostly from men (haha). It often makes me laugh out loud. It would not be appropriate to go into detail on this one but no, we have not been celibate for 21 months. I will say that some of the largest families I know are co sleeping families so clearly co sleeping does not equal forced celibacy. It can lead to a natural space between children since a co sleeping baby nurses more keeping mommy's fertility away longer but years of celibacy no.
So there it is. The common objections we get and our answers.
Friday, February 6, 2015
"Mommy Wars"...Just Stop

A note for when you are the advice giver: if you know a mom does not want advice, let her be and just set an example for her. And be sure that you are indeed giving advice to help and uplift a mother in her vocation and never criticizing her. There is a difference between offering your insight and tearing down a mom who knows she's not perfect so be sure your advice giving is encouraging. And yes, we all have topics we are passionate about so pick wisely the hills you are willing to die on.
Now a note about mother in laws: in mommy forums I so often see moms venting about the mother in law who they insist needs to mind her own business. Unless you have a true monster in law (and I challenge you to be honest with your feelings) then I bet you your mother in law wants to be helpful. She just may know a thing or two about raising a child. In fact, she may know so much that she raised at least one great kid, one great enough that you decided to spend your life with him and enter into the fabulous world of parenting with him. So give her advice a chance. I bet you may find she has a lot of wisdom.
The next time someone offers you (or me) mommy advice, let's see it as an act of love instead of an enemy declaring war. And let's get rid of this whole term "mommy wars." We are in this together so let's help each other along. No one else knows as well as another mother how it feels to have your heart run around outside your body or that aching feeling of wanting to do everything right and the sinking guilt when you make a mistake and realize that you do indeed need that village you are so afraid of.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Sleep Coaching
Today is a big day, Mary is officially night weaned and sleeping! I have enjoyed the last 18 months of night nursing and bonding but Mary is now old enough to not need the nursing and is ready to sleep better. I was very nervous about night weaning thinking it would never work. My plan was always to let her wean herself but it was clear that she would need some gentle coaxing. I sought the advice of other mothers who co sleep and night nurse to formulate a plan. We were not interested in any type of cry-it-out methods so were seeking the input of other like minded mamas. The plan we settled on was to nurse her to sleep and then tell her no more milky until the morning. To my amazement Mary responded very well and we had very little protesting. She will give little short cries because she is tired and trying to learn a new way to fall asleep. I put my arm around her and say shhh and very quickly she goes back to sleep. Last night was our sixth night and Mary slept 8 hours, then some quick shushing and she was back down. She slept a total of 12.5 hours! And all of this while in our bed with us so if anyone tells you a co-sleeping or nursed to sleep baby won't ever sleep I submit exhibit A for their consideration. I am so proud of my big girl! To celebrate she got a special treat and a trip to the Disney store to pick out a Pluto and Goofy.
Don't worry, she didn't eat the whole doughnut
Saturday, January 24, 2015
You are enough

Friday, January 16, 2015
18 months and more
So many fun things happening for the Mattson family!
The most exciting of all is that our little girl is 18 months today! Happy half birthday Mary Therese!! Either I am an overzealous mother who thinks my daughter is advanced (don't all moms?) or I just had no idea how much toddlers can do at 18 months.
The most exciting of all is that our little girl is 18 months today! Happy half birthday Mary Therese!! Either I am an overzealous mother who thinks my daughter is advanced (don't all moms?) or I just had no idea how much toddlers can do at 18 months.
Mary is a little chatterbox (wonder where she gets that from??) saying well over 100 words with several new ones being added daily. I feel like every day I hear her say a word or two that I hadn't heard from her before. She can put two and three words together. Her first sentence of course was "I see Minnie." She understands how to ask questions, just this morning she saw a bee on her baby's shirt and then pointed to her own shirt and asked me "where bee?"
I am having so much fun teaching her! She is learning to count, the names of colors, and her ABC's. She knows pretty much every body part and its name and lots of animals and the sound they make.
She understands pretty much everything we say to her and follows directions very well. I always heard people say that you can't reason with a toddler but somehow you can with this one. When she is refusing to put on her shoes I will say to her "if you want to go to the park you need to wear shoes" and she will promptly come sit down and let me put them on.
She understands pretty much everything we say to her and follows directions very well. I always heard people say that you can't reason with a toddler but somehow you can with this one. When she is refusing to put on her shoes I will say to her "if you want to go to the park you need to wear shoes" and she will promptly come sit down and let me put them on.
She loves all things Minnie Mouse, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Elmo.
She has mastered self feeding and uses her own fork and spoon like a pro.
She likes sitting on her potty. She hasn't yet gone pee pee but liking the potty is a fun start.
In the last week she has mastered wooden puzzles.
She has mastered self feeding and uses her own fork and spoon like a pro.
She likes sitting on her potty. She hasn't yet gone pee pee but liking the potty is a fun start.
In the last week she has mastered wooden puzzles.
A little thrill seeker she loves when daddy throws her up high in the air. She is a very active toddler who loves to run, jump, and go to the park (the slide is her favorite). She loves dancing and we often have after dinner dance parties.
Beyond all these things her favorite is definitely her babies. She has a baby with her almost everywhere she goes. She hugs and kisses them, pats their back, eats with them and loves to share her food with them, change their diapers, give them milky by putting on my nursing cover and "nursing" her baby, and rocks them in their cradle for night night time. She is a great little mommy!
Mary still nurses and I love that time of bonding with her.
The K-9 teeth have been her enemy but after several months we almost have them all in and then hopefully she can get some better sleep. Speaking of sleep, we have so much fun hearing the things she says in her sleep. She must be a good dreamer because she is very animated and says clear words such as Elmo, Tootie, Baby, Dada, and bye bye in her sleep.
Mary has a very sweet temperament and loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses. She likes to end each day with a big bubble bath and an hour of books in bed with mommy and daddy.
This age is so much fun and filled with so much learning and amazement. We look forward to the new things she does each day!
The shirt says it all! A quote from her patron Saint Therese, she is a small thing with great love!
In other news:
Yesterday we spent a nice family morning at Knott's Berry Farm. Every year Firemen and Law Enforcement get in free to Knott's as an appreciation for their service. The first time we went was mine and Eric's third date. Mary was still a little small this year for most of the rides but she did love the trucks and Eric was able to walk right on to a few roller coasters since the park was very empty.
We are also very excited because we just booked an RV trip to the river in Parker in February. We go several times each summer but this will be our first winter trip. We are looking forward to a week of fun with Grammy and Grampy!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
A favorite new spot
One of my favorite Christmas presents this year was a 2 year membership pass to Frogg's Bounce House (thank you wonderful husband). It is an amazing place a few miles from our house that is basically a huge room filled with different inflatables, Foosball tables, mini cars to drive, and other toddler toys. Mary is a little thrill seeker so she loves crawling through the huge inflatables and going down the biggest and fastest slides including one that launches her off the end. It is a wonderful way to get us out of the house and let her get some exercise and energy out. It will seriously be the gift that keeps on giving because I think she will grow to love it more and more as she gets older. I can already see this as a weekly trip (if not more often).
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Disneyland fun
Yesterday was our final trip to Disneyland before our passes expire. I am so thankful that Eric surprised me last year with a Disneyland pass for Christmas and then his parents surprised him with one too. We had a wonderful time making memories and visiting the Magic Kingdom with our little girl who is now completely in love with Minnie Mouse and her friends. Our favorite sites at Disneyland included It's a Small World, the Aladdin live stage show, and Disney Junior on Stage. Here are a few pictures from our final visit.
"Mary do you want to get a little close to Pluto?"
"No no"... too close dada
Family picture by the beautiful Christmas Tree on Main Street
Mary and Daddy doing "scrunchy face"
Friday, January 2, 2015
New Year Resolution
It is my New Year's Resolution for 2015 to keep up with our blog. So to kick things off here is a quick review of 2014.
January: We bought an RV! Eric has wonderful memories of taking RV trips as a kid so when the perfect RV was for sale we had to grab it and start making our own family memories. I had never done much RVing but am already loving it! In 2014 we took our new home on wheels out for many adventures along side Eric's parents who are RVing pros.
February: February of course brought Valentine's Day and Eric loved having two Valentine's to celebrate with this year. He also continued the tradition begun by my dad of bringing his daughter and wife flowers.
March: In March we had our home blessed and enshrined to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Now we really can make this place a "cradle for saints." Also in March, Mary began swim lessons and we quickly realized we have a little fishy who loves the water.
April: April was the month of our first RV trip down to Campland in San Diego for the vintage trailer show. Grammy and Grampy got to show off their cute new toy. We celebrated Easter with both sides of the family at our house.
May: In May we spent a week at the River in the RV. We discovered that May provides great weather and that staying in an RV on the river is really fun. Mary unfortunately got her first ear infection but was a trooper staying happy on the trip. I also had a beautiful Mother's Day.
June: Starting the last days of May and into June we were on our years biggest RV trip to Lone Pine, June Lake, Lake Buena Vista, Lake Tahoe, and a quick tail end stop in Manteca and Modesto to see our friends the Gooch's, Vallejos, and Websters. We all agree that Lake Tahoe will be a definite repeat as we really loved it. Eric celebrated Father's Day with a Shrimp boil at my parent's house.
July: July was a big month for the Mattson's. Mary T. turned 1 and Eric turned 37. We had a fun beach party planned but at the last minute the party was moved to our house (thanks Raider Nation) and was as fun as can be! We ended the month with another trip in the RV, this time to Pismo Beach. Eric and I got out for a date afternoon riding quads.
August: In August we went back to the River for the annual Mattson family trip. Mary loved spending time with her cousin Sadie!
September: Eric's parents took an anniversary cruise to Alaska so in September we got to dogsit Mister. Mary T. loved taking him on his daily walks. At first Mister wasn't so sure of his new friend but by the end he was...tolerant of her.
October: In October we went to Houston for Eric's cousin's wedding. Mary and I loved meeting the amazing Houston family and felt immediately like family. At the end of October I turned 34 and Mary was the cutest little kitty (Chico, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's kitty to be exact) for Halloween.
November: In November we spent Thanksgiving at LAFD station 3 since Eric had to work. Grammy joined us at the station for a meal catered by one of the local hotels. It felt appropriate to be at the fire station since we are so thankful for Eric's wonderful job.
December: Of course December is filled with many fun Advent and Christmas activities. Some of our traditions include stockings on the feast of Saint Nicholas, visiting the Snoopy Christmas display at the Costa Mesa City Hall, seeing neighborhood Christmas lights, visiting Santa, being with family to celebrate the birth of Christ, and of course the annual squished cheeks picture. Mary T. loved opening presents this year and was showered with lots of fun new toys.
We are excited to see what 2015 will hold for our family!
January: We bought an RV! Eric has wonderful memories of taking RV trips as a kid so when the perfect RV was for sale we had to grab it and start making our own family memories. I had never done much RVing but am already loving it! In 2014 we took our new home on wheels out for many adventures along side Eric's parents who are RVing pros.
February: February of course brought Valentine's Day and Eric loved having two Valentine's to celebrate with this year. He also continued the tradition begun by my dad of bringing his daughter and wife flowers.
March: In March we had our home blessed and enshrined to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Now we really can make this place a "cradle for saints." Also in March, Mary began swim lessons and we quickly realized we have a little fishy who loves the water.
April: April was the month of our first RV trip down to Campland in San Diego for the vintage trailer show. Grammy and Grampy got to show off their cute new toy. We celebrated Easter with both sides of the family at our house.
May: In May we spent a week at the River in the RV. We discovered that May provides great weather and that staying in an RV on the river is really fun. Mary unfortunately got her first ear infection but was a trooper staying happy on the trip. I also had a beautiful Mother's Day.
June: Starting the last days of May and into June we were on our years biggest RV trip to Lone Pine, June Lake, Lake Buena Vista, Lake Tahoe, and a quick tail end stop in Manteca and Modesto to see our friends the Gooch's, Vallejos, and Websters. We all agree that Lake Tahoe will be a definite repeat as we really loved it. Eric celebrated Father's Day with a Shrimp boil at my parent's house.
July: July was a big month for the Mattson's. Mary T. turned 1 and Eric turned 37. We had a fun beach party planned but at the last minute the party was moved to our house (thanks Raider Nation) and was as fun as can be! We ended the month with another trip in the RV, this time to Pismo Beach. Eric and I got out for a date afternoon riding quads.
August: In August we went back to the River for the annual Mattson family trip. Mary loved spending time with her cousin Sadie!
September: Eric's parents took an anniversary cruise to Alaska so in September we got to dogsit Mister. Mary T. loved taking him on his daily walks. At first Mister wasn't so sure of his new friend but by the end he was...tolerant of her.
October: In October we went to Houston for Eric's cousin's wedding. Mary and I loved meeting the amazing Houston family and felt immediately like family. At the end of October I turned 34 and Mary was the cutest little kitty (Chico, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's kitty to be exact) for Halloween.
November: In November we spent Thanksgiving at LAFD station 3 since Eric had to work. Grammy joined us at the station for a meal catered by one of the local hotels. It felt appropriate to be at the fire station since we are so thankful for Eric's wonderful job.
December: Of course December is filled with many fun Advent and Christmas activities. Some of our traditions include stockings on the feast of Saint Nicholas, visiting the Snoopy Christmas display at the Costa Mesa City Hall, seeing neighborhood Christmas lights, visiting Santa, being with family to celebrate the birth of Christ, and of course the annual squished cheeks picture. Mary T. loved opening presents this year and was showered with lots of fun new toys.
We are excited to see what 2015 will hold for our family!
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