When I look at Mary I think to myself that she makes me want 10 more just like her. We would LOVE to have more children and when God is ready we will be thrilled. We are open to welcoming a new life and leave it all in God's perfect timing. We get a lot of questions about why we aren't pregnant yet. Some may wonder if we are intentionally waiting (we are not). Breast feeding kept my fertility away for quite some time allowing a natural spacing. We trust God with that spacing. As a few months of returned fertility have gone by I've had a chance to reflect on what we would do if we didn't get pregnant again. What if Mary is all we are blessed with? Again, I look at my sweet girl and I know that she is enough, she will always be enough. The blessing of her is more than my heart had ever previously experienced and if she is the only child we are blessed with our hearts will still be full. It is so important to trust God with family size. We are often asked how many children we want and my answer is always, "however many God blesses us with." Being open to life includes the possibility of less little lives than we may desire. So while we stay open to new life we do not miss a moment of appreciating the life we have been given and every single day loving her and trusting that she is enough. I believe God will send us more children and if not from my body from our hearts in adoption. It is so easy to get caught up in the "what's next mentality" but when it comes to children live in the moments with your current little one(s) and abandon all else to a loving heavenly father who from all eternity knows the best path to heaven for you and your family.
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