Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bridal Shower Bliss

Yesterday my bridesmaids, friend Andi and mom threw me a wonderful bridal shower. The theme was vintage kitchen and thanks to the set decorations from my matron-of-honor's husband's last film the place fit the theme and was adorable! The invitation told everyone to wear their favorite apron to the party and the girls made me one that says Mrs. Mattson (picture below). They also gave everyone a recipe card to fill out so I now have lots of new recipes to try out with all our new kitchen gear.

I feel so blessed and loved by all the planning and hard work (some even driving 4 hours with a migraine) my girlfirends put in to make my shower so great! And I feel so loved by all the women who came and showered me with love and gifts. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by amazing women. It now really does feel like the wedding is just around the corner and I can't wait!

My new apron

Such a cute theme

The amazing gifts

The beautiful hostesses

With my mommy

My soon to be mother-in-law

One of my favorite gifts was my future mother-in-laws LAFD apron now passed dow to me the soon to be LAFD wife

Great to meet my future mother-in-law's beautiful friends

Finally got to snuggle baby Lucas

A few of my mom's "groupies"


Can't wait to read these...

...and try these!

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