Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ms to Mrs

Eric and I picked up our marriage license a few days ago which was a very exciting event. When we looked down to sign the paperwork we saw Robyn Mattson on the line for "new name." It was crazy and exciting to see the name I will forever more have once we are married in October. Reflecting on the excitement of the name change I began to think of all the times I have heard women criticize the tradition of taking the man's name. One that really stands out to me is when women say "but you will lose your identity!" Yes, that is exactly what will happen. My identity as Robyn Gibson will be forever gone. I will take on a new identity as Robyn Mattson (just typing that is fun :). Does this mean I am a different person? Yes, actually it does. I will no longer be "me", from now on it will be "us." I am happy to give up my identity as an individual and become a team, a partnership, and hopefully one day a family. This is not something that is scary or sad or negative in my mind. I have loved being a Gibson and anyone who knows me knows how much I love my dad and am proud to have his name. But my dad helped me pick the best possible spouse and on October 13th he will give me away to this worthy man who I will be joined to. As the two become one flesh it seems only fitting to me that we also bare the same name. Do my parents see this as dishonorable to them? Not at all! My mom was proud to become a Gibson and both of my parents are excited to see me become a Mattson.

One final thought on why I am more than willing and excited to take the Mattson name. When we filled out the paperwork for our marriage license there was the option of having Eric take my name. When I saw that I immediately said "no way! You are the leader of this family and so it is your name that we will bare!" Any who have been following my blog have probably gathered how much I value the leadership role of the husband and father in a family. It will be Eric's job to guide our marriage and family and ultimately lead us all to heaven so it is his name that myself and our future children will bare.


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