Monday, December 10, 2012

1 Year

Wow what a difference a year can make! 1 year ago today I went on a date with a man I had never met. We were set up by his sister who I met at a Catholic Bible Study. She tried for about 8 months to get me to go out with her brother but due to being very busy it took a while to make it happen. I went on the date thinking "it's no big deal" and having no expectations. Little did I know that night I would be impressed by this man's kindness and gentlemanly ways (and of course how handsome he is). 1 year later we are now married and expecting our first child. This last year has been the most amazing year of my life. I always trusted God had great blessings in mind for me but my imagination was not big enough to think of this. God's timing is so perfect and if we just trust in Him all will work out as it is supposed to. If you ever feel lost, think how much your life could change in just 1 year! Let God surprise you and you will not regret it!

Thank you Eric for loving me and giving me the best year of my life. I can't wait to spend at least 50 more years with you!!

Our First Date

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