Wednesday, January 9, 2013

God Speaks

I love it when I read a meditation or hear a prayer said or words of wisdom in a homily that feel like God is speaking right to me. This morning the chaplain at the school where I teach read a meditation that was exactly what I needed to hear. I am now 14 1/2 weeks pregnant and everyone told me my nausea would ease up at 13 weeks. Well instead of easing up it took a turn for the worse and I began losing my food. I am now taking medicine to calm the nausea but am still unable to eat and am not yet gaining any weight. I suffer willingly for my little daughter (BTW we are having a girl!) but that doesn't mean it is easy. I was so disappointed when I did not start feeling better at the end of the first trimester. Today's mediation was a beautiful reminder to me that God has His own timing and all He asks is that I trust. Perhaps I will be sick until the day I deliver this little miracle or perhaps next week I will be able to eat again; either way all will happen according to God's plan and I need to remind myself to never try to speed His plan along. I love God's plan of blessing Eric and I with new life and I love carrying our child and I will trust in how He sees fit to bring this blessing to completion. I will surrender myself to His ways! Maybe this mediation will speak to your heart as well today!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord is amazing Robyn! This is so very true! I myself has needed this reminder many times! Today is one of those days! :) Thanks for sharing and congrats again on your little precious miracle! A baby exciting!Hope you feel better soon!

