Thursday, January 24, 2013


All over the news today they are talking about the new policy that allows women to serve our country in a combat zone. Many are celebrating this as a victory for "women's rights". That response is a far cry from the one I have. Here again we have the strike and doom of the very misdirected feminist movement. I am all about women being treated well and I consider myself a real feminist. By this I mean that I really do believe that femininity is something amazing that should be honored, respected, and celebrated. Unfortunately those who usually consider themselves feminists do not honor, respect, or celebrate femininity. Instead they seek to do away with it by making women just liken men. Men and women are different (thank God for that) and this world needs both. By demanding that women be treated like they are men, "feminists" are basically saying that femininity is a disease that needs to be cured, that it is something that needs to be done away with. Putting women on the front lines of the battle field does nothing to celebrate the gift that is womanhood. What a sad culture we live in where so many women are told that the very essence of who they are as women is not valuable to our world, that it is not worth protecting. We have already begun to see the dramatic and dark effects of living in a world ruled by false feminism. Mom's are no longer home raising their children because the world tells them that they deserve to work and they have much more to give to society. Women do have much to give to society, they have motherhood to give. Every child has the right to a mom at home. Studies are clearly showing the benefits on both mothers and children of a mom at home. Women are told that suppression of one of the major systems in their body (reproductive) will free them. Instead it has led to more sexual mistreatment of women and an increase in infertility and STDs. And now this new decision to put women in the battle field tells women that we don't deserve to be protected the way society did for hundreds of years. My husband always says that nature has a way of correcting itself and we will live the consequences of our actions. As society continues to see a decline in the honor and respect of femininity I hate to think how correction will come and what further consequences we will face. This is a sad day for women and for our country!

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