Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Godliness of Motherhood

Eric and I celebrated 1 year of marriage this month and I would be remiss to not write a blog about our first year of marriage. This is not that blog because I am still prayerfully meditating on the glory of marriage before sitting down to write. I am working on a blog about all that I learned in our first year of marriage so that is coming soon!

This morning I read a beautiful reflection on motherhood. The author said "God could be everywhere and he proved it by making mothers." This hit my heart so strongly and reminded me that to our precious daughter I am a reflection of the love of God. Meditating on this idea further I began to think about where she is at right now in her development. The last few days she has wanted mommy and mommy alone. She will go to daddy for a few minutes but very quickly begins to make little sad sounds that are immediately calmed once she is in my arms. I suspect she is teething but whatever it may be, she is mommy's girl right now. I love so much that my mere presence can make her feel so comforted. Upon getting two shots recently she was instantly calmed by me nursing her.  The same thing when she has a sore bottom from diaper rash and a sore face from bonking herself with her Elmo rattle, as soon as she was in my arms nursing she was calm and soothed. How incredible that is and such an amazing feeling for me as her mommy. This combined with the article I read this morning got me to thinking. What if we were that dependent on and comforted by Our Heavenly Father? What if just merely being in His presence (which we are at every moment) made us feel that no matter what was going on, everything would be okay. What is His loving arms brought us comfort when we experience pain and what if we constantly wanted to be with him accepting no substitute? How beautiful our life would be if we had the same dependance on God that our daughter now has on me! How much joy we would experience if God was all that we needed. My prayer today is that we all throw ourselves into the arms of God with absolute trust and way a baby does in the arms of her mother.

Here is the article I read this morning. It is worth a read especially if you are a mother. Motherhood is certainly the best gift God has every given me! I am overwhelmed with joy every single day that I look into the eyes of this precious soul entrusted to my care.
According to a Jewish proverb, “God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers.” This is a fine, enduring sentiment. I do think, however, that by reversing the statement we come closer to the truth: “God could be everywhere and proved it by creating mothers.” - See more at: http://www.integratedcatholiclife.org/2013/10/dr-donald-demarco-the-godliness-of-motherhood/#sthash.6PDRXMr6.dpuf
According to a Jewish proverb, “God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers.” This is a fine, enduring sentiment. I do think, however, that by reversing the statement we come closer to the truth: “God could be everywhere and proved it by creating mothers.” - See more at: http://www.integratedcatholiclife.org/2013/10/dr-donald-demarco-the-godliness-of-motherhood/#sthash.6PDRXMr6.dpuf
According to a Jewish proverb, “God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers.” This is a fine, enduring sentiment. I do think, however, that by reversing the statement we come closer to the truth: “God could be everywhere and proved it by creating mothers.” - See more at: http://www.integratedcatholiclife.org/2013/10/dr-donald-demarco-the-godliness-of-motherhood/#sthash.6PDRXMr6.dpuf

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