Saturday, November 2, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving...Day 1: Co-Sleeping

During this month with Thanksgiving I am going to reflect each day on something I am thankful for. I think this is a great yearly exercise to remind ourselves just how blessed we are.

Today I am thankful for co sleeping. I love sleeping with my little girl in
our bed. Some people don't understand co sleeping and question it
or think it's weird. I hear comments like "you're spoiling her", "she
will never sleep in her own bed because you're creating bad habits" or "how
do you ever get 'mommy and daddy time' <wink wink> if you know what I
mean." But when I think of co sleeping I see nights with plenty of
sleep for both baby and I. I see a baby becoming beautifully attached
to her mommy. I see me not having to worry if she is ok in another
room, I can just look over and see her fast asleep. I am thankful for
co sleeping because I love that my daughter at just 3 months old
reaches out to have her hand on me while she sleeps because the mere
touch of mommy brings her comfort. I love co sleeping and I'm so
thankful we chose to do it with our little Mary!

BTW: co sleeping does not spoil children, she won't be sleeping with
us her whole life, and co sleeping parents find plenty of time for
"mommy and daddy time"

If you are interested in more info about co-sleeping check out this link

I get to sleep next to this beautiful burrito every night:)

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