Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bachelor/Bachelorette Party

This past weekend Eric and I were thrown wonderful bachelor and bachelorette parties. Eric's brother, cousin, and a few friends spent four days in Parker Arizona on the river wake boarding, skiing, ski chairing, knee boarding, and snowboarding...on the water. Ty made them amazing shirts that he insisted they wear at all times (picture below). Jacque (my matron of honor) planned a perfect night for me. The evening started when Chantal drove up in her SUV with "Going to the Chapel" blasting and things like "honk if you love being married" written on the windows. They put a little veil on my head and whisked me away to the first stop which was a private Mass with Fr. Thomas who will be celebrating our wedding Mass. Father gave an incredible homily about guardian angels and how mine and Eric's have been working together to bring us to our vocation. He pointed out that they are now very good friends! We then went to a cooking school where we learned how to make a delicious meal which we enjoyed together while I opened a few presents and enjoyed great girl talk. It was a perfect evening for me and Eric had a perfect weekend for himself. As I reflect back on our parties I feel blessed by the people who surround us as we enter into the sacrament of marriage. Instead of a drunken mess of inappropriate behavior we were both in environments that support the kind of people God has called us to be. Instead of seeing these events as our last chance at freedom they were seen as opportunities to celebrate our upcoming marriage with some of our dearest friends. God is good! 10 days to go!

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