Sunday, October 28, 2012


After the wedding Eric and I were blessed to both get the time off of work to go on a honeymoon. We went to the North Shore of Oahu and had an amazing time. We did some snorkeling, hiking, relaxing, eating, and site seeing but the best thing we did was just be together. It was glorious to spend an entire week together, just the two of us. Some of my favorite moments with my new husband on our honeymoon were just laying around talking and laughing. I realized with every moment why I am so excited to spend my entire life with him.

We are now back and I am all moved into Eric's house. As amazing as our honeymoon was, it is equally as exciting to set up our house together. We little by little have put all of the wedding presents away and by some miracle everything fit in the kitchen. Eric's house has now become a home! When people are leaving vacation they often say "back to reality"...the reality I am now living is so wonderful I don't mind for one second not still being on that beach in Hawaii.

Enjoying one of our favorite Hawaiian treats: Shave Ice

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