Friday, October 5, 2012


I have had several people ask me if I am getting nervous as the wedding approaches. That question keeps striking me as odd so I took some time to think about why. Nervous is far from what I am feeling. Marrying Eric and giving my whole life to love him is the most natural thing I have ever desired to do. Loving Eric is natural and peaceful. In my life and quest to hear God's voice and call I have found that when I am living in God's will I am completely at peace. Even when doing His will is hard, peace is always present. I am not at all nervous about marrying Eric because I have so much peace and I know with every ounce of my being that this is what God is calling Eric and I too. Some people might be nervous about marriage because it is a big commitment. Marriage is a sacrament which means it come with an abundance of grace which will give Eric and I the strength to live out this life long commitment with fidelity and love. So am I nervous? Not at all. Am I excited! ABSOLUTELY!

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