Thursday, June 28, 2012

The heart of her husband trusts in her...

The heart of her husband trusts in her,
And he will have no lack of gain.
One of the readings that will be read and mine and Eric's wedding mass is the controversial Ephesians 5. You know, the one that says "wives be submissive to your husbands..." and gets all the feminists up in arms? We chose that reading for a few reasons, first because it is beautiful and so true and second because people who reject it usually don't understand it and we wanted to give Fr. Thomas an opportunity to preach on it so those present at the wedding can hear just how beautiful those words are when properly understood. How does this connect to my verse from Proverbs 31 today? Submitting to ones husband is often misunderstood to believe that it means the woman has no say in anything. Fr. Thomas recently told Eric and I that he is the king of the home but I am his great counselor. Eric being my leader does not mean that he does whatever he wants and I have to just comply. If I am the good wife that Proverbs 31 speaks about then Eric will be able to trust my counsel and when making decisions he will think of me and my desires. Husbands will undoubtedly need guidance and help too as they make big decisions for the family. If the husband knows that his wife has given herself completely to the will of God he will be able to trust her when she offers him support and counsel. If the husband has a God serving wife her counsel with leave him with "no lack of gain" because she will be striving to support him and help him lead the family on the path to heaven. This verse inspires me because it reminds me how great a benefit it is to my beloved for me to be a good wife. What a joy it will be for him to believe that he can trust with his whole heart the woman he has chosen to spend his life with.

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