Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Proverbs 31:10- one more thought

I had one more thought today about Proverbs 31:10...

I wonder how many married men upon hearing the question "who can find a good wife" would say not them? I wonder how many men thought they found a good wife only years later to realize that she has wearied in her commitment to her vocation? Ladies we need to stop often and look at ourselves and our marriage and ask if we are still as committed to being a great wife as we were on our honeymoon. Of course challenges make it more difficult but that doesn't mean we stop trying. God has called every married woman to a very specific vocation. I am not just called to marriage, my vocation has a name and his name is Eric. I pray that I never weary in my commitment to be a good wife to Eric and that every day from Oct 13 until death does part us he will be able to say that yes he has a good wife (or at least one who gives everything shes got to try to be a good wife).

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