Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Who can find a good wife?" -Proverbs 31:10

Proverbs 31:10-31 is written by a Queen mother to her son advising him of the qualities he should be looking for in a wife. This section open with the question "who can find a good wife?" The first thing that comes to mind for me is, what does she mean by good? There are a lot of "good" people in this world and there are a lot of good women. Clearly though the queen is not going to be satisfied with her son marrying a run of the mill good woman. As we read on we will see that the queen's standards are pretty high. So how should we measure goodness? It seems to me that since God is the source of all all that is good, He should be the standard by which goodness is judged. So as I reflect on the first line of this part of scripture I realize that in order to be a good wife I must first be a good daughter, a good daughter to God who is my ultimate king. I think Kimberly Hahn puts it beautifully when she writes "a godly woman is good by God's standards: She possesses moral perfection, which is only possible in Christ." I believe with all my heart that if I keep God first in my life and live everyday trying to be "good" in His eyes that I will also grow in my ability to be a good wife. From my love for God will my love for my husband flow. Loving God and being in relationship with him will every day reveal to me greater ways that I can love my husband and be "good" in his eyes as well.

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