Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Adventures In Co-Sleeping

Let's just say that the picture below was me last night. I have previously written about how much I love co-sleeping and my experience last night did not change my love for it one bit but I know other co-sleeping parents will get a chuckle out of our night. Most of the time we truly are the top picture but Mary has newly been set free from her swaddle and the adventures have begun. With her legs free Mary now loves to sleep with her feet resting on my stomach. I think it is really sweet that at all times she has to have some part of her body touching love language is physical touch so this works out well. Last night though she took physical touch to a hilarious level. Let's see. throughout the course of the night I got kicked in the face, a hand in the eye, and a finger in my nose. I couldn't help but keep laughing because how does a four month old get turned all the way around in order to kick mommy in the face and how impressive is the precision of a baby who can get their tiny finger in mommy's nose with her eyes closed mind you. I am looking forward to this next stage in co-sleeping and am sure I will have lots of fun stories to share.

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