Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6- My mother-in-law and Auntie Marcy

Today I am thankful for my mother-in-law and Eric's Aunt Marcy.

My mother-in-law drove around trip 30 minutes twice today to take Eric, Mary, and I to get my car fixed at a mechanic down by where they live. Not only did she chauffeur us around but she had food prepared for us for lunch when we got to her house. I write that I am thankful for her today but really I am thankful for her every day! So many people have mother-in-law horror stories but I could not have asked for a more wonderful mother-in-law. She is a woman of great faith and virtue and great role model to me. For her I am VERY thankful.

Today I am also thankful for Eric's Aunt Marcy. She has her own hair salon just a few minutes from where Eric's parents live and was able to give me a last minute haircut today. I haven't had my hair cut since before Mary was born so if feels so nice to have it all trimmed up and healthy! To top it off she is so fun to chat with and it was great to catch up with someone who is family while getting beautified!

My mother-in-law 
(Isn't she a beauty?)

Auntie Marcy
(liking her lips in anticipation of my desserts :)

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