Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2- Love Languages

Today I'm thankful for love languages. Have you ever heard of The Five Love
Languages by Gary Chapman? It is such an interesting book and concept.
He basically says that everyone has a love language and in order to
best love another person you should show that love via their specific
language. My love language is physical touch. Makes sense why
yesterday's day of thankfulness was co sleeping :) I feel loved when my
husband holds my hand, rubs my back, and puts his arm around me. I
feel loved when my daughter puts her head on my shoulder or reaches
out to touch my arm while she sleeps. My husband has the same love
language as me and I am thankful for that because it makes it easier
for us to effectively express love to each other as we speak each others love language naturally. When I am upset or feeling my love tank isn't full I know exactly what will fill it up
because I know my love language. And because I know Eric's love
language I know to rub his back or snuggle up to him when I want to fill what Chapman calls his "love tank". So I am thankful for the love languages because they make feeling loved and loving others so much easier!

More info on the Love Languages can be read here

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