Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 7- My Girlfriends

Today I am thankful for my girlfriends! Raising children is hard enough, then add in the challenges of today's culture and it can look near impossible to raise saints. The world really is working against us in so many ways. I am so thankful though that I have the most amazing girlfriends to raise kids with. My baby is still so young but already we are able to encourage and support each other in our common goal of raising kids who are holy. We have an ongoing group text message where we can send out parenting questions , funny stories, or prayer requests and immediately have 4 other moms respond with love. We had a play group today (we missed you Andi!) and one of the moms taught the kids a lesson on the Saints. The older kids amazed me as they were able to name so many Saints that they love. Later on the playground I heard them pretending to be the Saints they learned about. It made my heart smile to see these little ones already so excited about their faith. I am so thankful for you Jacque, Chantal, Jen, and Andi! Together I know we can combat the culture and raise little Saints!

Some of the group at today's playdate

I approve of this budding romance ;-)

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