Friday, December 13, 2013

Parenting as joy not a cross

It recently occurred to me that I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder with regard to some parenting blogs. Some such blogs go something like this: "Parenting is really hard! I get no sleep, get pooped on all day, have no social life, my hair gets pulled, and my stuff broken. In spite of all these horrible sacrifices I make, crosses I bare, and the happiness that it doesn't bring,
I love my child <smiley face>." I have to first acknowledge that it is a beautiful thing to be able to see ones trials and love in spite of them. I would like though to propose a different approach to parenting. One that doesn't have a laundry list of difficulties one valiantly overcomes to still find joy. What if instead of thinking "uggg pooped on again" we thought "how silly that I just got popped on and how blessed I am to have that be a possibility because I am blessed with a child (or 2)." What if instead of thinking "when will I ever sleep again" we thought "how awesome it is to have a little miracle to tend to each night." Instead of thinking "long gone are the days of freedom and fun" and instead thinking of all the incredible growth a parent witnesses as they spend time with their children. For us moms, what if instead of thinking "when will I ever get my body back" we looked at the scars and changes to our figure and saw them as physical evidence that we loved with our whole self and are blessed to have had the opportunity to do so. Thinking like this may very well be counter-intuitive and not come naturally but if we begin to actively change the way we view parenting perhaps experiencing it as pure joy will become our first inclination. In order to grow in virtue we have to first willfully act virtuous and then the habit will form the the virtue will have been obtained. Even if you aren't yet at the point where the "struggles" are naturally joys, I propose at least speaking and writing about parenting with joy. Joyful parents are one of the best pro life messages. If I was a young girl thinking about my future and I read all these blogs about parenting being such a struggle and a stumbling block to joy I might think twice about being a mother. My personal longing for motherhood was deepened through mothers who joyfully served their family. I'm not saying parenting isn't hard but if we saw every aspect as a blessing it wouldn't feel hard anymore. What if instead of having to "offer up" aspects of parenthood, we just found joy in its every aspect. How can one achieve what I propose? I suspect it will come with a heart filled with gratitude. So many people long to be parents and would gladly take on what some see as crosses in order to participate in such a beautiful vocation. We must never take our children for granted. At the end of each day stop and think of the immense blessing your children are and as your focused thoughts change perhaps your heart will too and a heart filled will gratitude will yield a joyful soul.

Am I asking the impossible? What do you think?

PS: These same thoughts can be applied to how we view our spouse as well but that would be another blog.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Everyone Needs a Mother

As a new mom I see more and more clearly how much everyone needs a mother. As adults we may overlook the importance of our mothers because we seem to think we don't really need them anymore. But stop for a moment and reflect on how necessary they really are. To begin with, mothers obviously give us life. They give us our first place of safety, the womb, and then one day they endure incredible pain to bring us to the outside world. From there we depend on our mothers for every need. Our food comes right from their body. Every single day a mother literally gives a part of herself so her baby can live. Much of a moms energy and nutrients are given to the baby through her milk. A mother sacrifices her own body to nourish the body of her little one. I am convinced that mom's also have a superpower made just for their babies. Any time my daughter is upset we know one thing will comfort her: my arms. I am constantly amazed at how I can calm her. It really is like a superpower. If she is tired she will fall asleep in the comfort of my arms. If she is hurt she will feel better once she is snuggled up to me. When she is bored my dances make her smile and laugh (finally someone thinks I'm funny!). It seems that no matter what is ailing her, it can be fixed by mommy. Sometime she
fusses just because she wants mommy (those times secretly are my favorite).

As children grow and gain independence they slowly depend less on mommy. As toddlers they will venture off on their own at a park. As teenagers they will begin to question and form their own
opinions. As adults they will insist that they can figure it all out on their own. Time and time again, though, they will rush back to mommy when in need. The toddler who falls down runs to his mother for a kiss on the boo boo. The teenager might be embarrassed to admit it but they secretly want mom there for every big moment. The adult will eventually realize that they still need moms guidance. When a young girl becomes a mom herself, she will turn to her mom to guidance and finally admitted just how wise mom is. You see, we all need our mom.

I find as a new mom that I put a lot of pressure on myself to be a great mother. I want to give my daughter everything she needs and always do what is best for her. I don't mean materially, I mean
physically and spiritually. The reality is, though, that moms aren't perfect. I am going to make mistakes and look back wishing I did things differently. Even though I try to be the best mommy I can be I accept that I am capable to falling and not being perfect. All moms will at some point make a mistake...all but one that is. There is one woman who is the perfect mother. She is the definition of
motherhood and as mothers we should look to her for guidance. But this reflection isn't really about mothers, it's about us kids. We need our mommy and we need this perfect mother the most. This mother I am referring to is the blessed mother, the mother of our Lord.

Just like our earthly mother gives us life, so to does our Blessed Mother. When Mary said yes to bringing Jesus to the world to save us, she opened the door to new life. Her fiat was the way that led to our savior's sacrifice that gives us true life. Just as earthly mothers nourish us from their bodies so too does Mary. Jesus came from the body of Mary and in the Eucharist which is Jesus truly present (body, blood, soul, and divinity), we are fed and nourished. What an intense sacrifice of self was involved for Mary as she watched her son suffer and died so that we may live. Mary was willing to
sacrifice and suffer for us because we too are her children.

As we grow older we may think that we don't need Mary and we may even wander off like the toddler at the park but when we are in need she is a sure source of comfort. When we have fallen in our faith life and need help getting back up she will lift us up and wrap her mantle around us showing us that a mothers love never ends. She will lead up to the source of true happiness which is her son. When we experience intense pain weather physical or spiritual, it is often the embrace of our mother that consoles us. During my pregnancy I experienced a lot of sickness and a good friend once told me to let mother Mary care for me the way she cared for Saint Elizabeth. What beautiful and true advice that was. In my sickest moments, reaching out to the Blessed Mother brought me the greatest
strength. I knew that she was caring for me from heaven and with her arms around me I knew I could endure.

We are in the season of Advent right now and as we prepare to celebrate the coming of our Lord let us not forget that even Jesus Christ himself needed a mother. God chose to come as a little baby who was dependent on his mother. Mary's womb was the first tabernacle and her breast was His first source of food for His precious body. It was Mary who taught Him how to walk and it was she who was their when He fell and needed a kiss on His boo boo. It was also the Blessed Mother who met Him on that painful road to Calvary. When He fell under the weight of the cross it was an encounter with His mother that encouraged Him as He pushed forward. And at the end of His life while He hung on a cross, Jesus led us to see the great power of His mother by giving her to us as our mother. Let us use this time of Advent to draw closer to the woman who brought life to our Savior and who constantly seeks to help guide us to everlasting life in Him. Never forget how much you need your mother because she will certainly never forget you! The love I feel for my daughter is so intense that I can only imagine the love that the Blessed Mother must have for each of us her children.

Thankfulness Catch-Up

Okay so November got away from me and I missed a lot of days of thankfulness but I still made sure to reflect each day on things I am thankful for. Here are a few that really stood out...

My sister-in-law Tricia: Her birthday was in November and on that day I kept thinking how incredibly blessed I am to have a sister who is so amazing! She has a beautiful ability to make people feel loved. I am so happy to be raising babies together and supporting each other. Her sense of humor never fails to leave me laughing and her wisdom often inspires me.

My in-law-family: On Thanksgiving we were able to see most of Eric's Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins and I feel so grateful to have married into a wonderful, fun, and loving family.

My parents: My parents have been an incredible support to me as a new mommy. When Eric works on a weekend I go to their house so they can spend time with Mary. It is so wonderful to see how much they love her!

My brother Jeff: My brother Jeff defines proud uncle. He loves his nieces so much and they love him. I look forward to Mary growing up and having a lot of fun with Uncle. She already loves him and his beard so much!

I could go on and on because I have so much to be thankful for but on to December we go...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19: So much to be thankful for

Today I am thankful that I have so much to be thankful for! Not everyone would be able to find something daily to be thankful for. My life is full and blessed and for that I am thankful!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 18: Healthy Baby

Today I am thankful that our little girl is a very happy and healthy baby! At her 4 month check today the doctor said she is growing perfectly. She weighs 15lbs 4oz (50-75th percentile), and was 26 inches long (first time on the charts at 90th percentile). She is smiling, laughing, rolling around and playing just like a baby her age should be.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 16: Our Daughter

Today I am thankful for mine and Eric's sweet daughter Mary. She is four months today and in just four months she has filled my heart with more love than I had ever known. Every day I am amazed at how much I can love this tiny little person. She brings me so much joy and peace. I can never cease thanking God for the blessing that is our little baby boo.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 15: Lady at Mass

Today I am thankful for the kind little old lady at Mass who noticed that I did not go to communion because I was nursing the baby and promptly asked for the Eucharist to be brought to me in my seat. She then proceeded to thank us for bringing the baby to Mass. God bless her caring soul and I pray that God share with her whatever graces I received at communion.

Day 14: Naps

Today I am thankful for naps! No explanation needed as I am sure most everyone will agree :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Adventures In Co-Sleeping

Let's just say that the picture below was me last night. I have previously written about how much I love co-sleeping and my experience last night did not change my love for it one bit but I know other co-sleeping parents will get a chuckle out of our night. Most of the time we truly are the top picture but Mary has newly been set free from her swaddle and the adventures have begun. With her legs free Mary now loves to sleep with her feet resting on my stomach. I think it is really sweet that at all times she has to have some part of her body touching love language is physical touch so this works out well. Last night though she took physical touch to a hilarious level. Let's see. throughout the course of the night I got kicked in the face, a hand in the eye, and a finger in my nose. I couldn't help but keep laughing because how does a four month old get turned all the way around in order to kick mommy in the face and how impressive is the precision of a baby who can get their tiny finger in mommy's nose with her eyes closed mind you. I am looking forward to this next stage in co-sleeping and am sure I will have lots of fun stories to share.

Day 13: A Fireman's Schedule

There are advantages and disadvantages to the schedule of a fireman but today I am thankful for the advantage that when he is off we are able to spend the day together doing family activities. Today we went down to the Newport Dunes and walked/ran around while Mary slept in the stroller. It is a random Wednesday and we are blessed to have Eric home and spending time with us so I am feeling thankful for a fireman's schedule today.

Day 12: The Bob

Today I am thankful for The Bob jogging stroller. It has allowed me to
get out for a run the last several days. I missed running and it feels
so good to get going again. The best part is that it is such a smooth
ride that my little girl loves to sit and look around as we go. I
wasn't sure how hard it would be to run with my hand on a stroller but
actually I prefer it. It keeps my posture more upright which is ideal
for running. Maybe this is just further proof that I am meant to be a
mom :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 11- Veterans and 2016

I didn't get a chance to write yesterday so I will post two things I am thankful for today

First of course is all who have served our country, my awesome father in law being one such brave man. I thank you for your willingness to defend this great country and I pray that one day it will once again be the country you fought for: a place that protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

And on that note the second thing I am thankful for is that 2016 isn't too far away ;-) Let's take back this great country! Sorry to get political but that's what I'm thankful for :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

day 9- Edit

Today I am thankful that the iPhone Facebook app now has an edit
feature. Totally lame I know but I'm the queen of typos and mistaken
auto corrects so I'm thankful I can now edit my posts. It's the
little things in life sometimes...

Day 8- My friend Kelli

Today I am thankful for my friend Kelli! I am reminded today how
thankful I am because I am going through a huge box of awesome hand me
downs from her daughters but I am thankful for her for so many more
reasons. She has always been such a wonderful, loving and supportive
friend! We have seen each other grow and go through life and I can't
imagine life without her! From hanging out after finishing a high
school play to singing songs about bird houses, making cake pops and
running half marathons I love you my dear friend and I am so thankful
for you!

At my baby shower that Kelli helped plan

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 7- My Girlfriends

Today I am thankful for my girlfriends! Raising children is hard enough, then add in the challenges of today's culture and it can look near impossible to raise saints. The world really is working against us in so many ways. I am so thankful though that I have the most amazing girlfriends to raise kids with. My baby is still so young but already we are able to encourage and support each other in our common goal of raising kids who are holy. We have an ongoing group text message where we can send out parenting questions , funny stories, or prayer requests and immediately have 4 other moms respond with love. We had a play group today (we missed you Andi!) and one of the moms taught the kids a lesson on the Saints. The older kids amazed me as they were able to name so many Saints that they love. Later on the playground I heard them pretending to be the Saints they learned about. It made my heart smile to see these little ones already so excited about their faith. I am so thankful for you Jacque, Chantal, Jen, and Andi! Together I know we can combat the culture and raise little Saints!

Some of the group at today's playdate

I approve of this budding romance ;-)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6- My mother-in-law and Auntie Marcy

Today I am thankful for my mother-in-law and Eric's Aunt Marcy.

My mother-in-law drove around trip 30 minutes twice today to take Eric, Mary, and I to get my car fixed at a mechanic down by where they live. Not only did she chauffeur us around but she had food prepared for us for lunch when we got to her house. I write that I am thankful for her today but really I am thankful for her every day! So many people have mother-in-law horror stories but I could not have asked for a more wonderful mother-in-law. She is a woman of great faith and virtue and great role model to me. For her I am VERY thankful.

Today I am also thankful for Eric's Aunt Marcy. She has her own hair salon just a few minutes from where Eric's parents live and was able to give me a last minute haircut today. I haven't had my hair cut since before Mary was born so if feels so nice to have it all trimmed up and healthy! To top it off she is so fun to chat with and it was great to catch up with someone who is family while getting beautified!

My mother-in-law 
(Isn't she a beauty?)

Auntie Marcy
(liking her lips in anticipation of my desserts :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 5- Correction

Today I am thankful for correction. So often people get offended or upset when someone corrects them. We don't like being wrong and often being corrected strikes our humility chord and we would rather not have that note played. I recently posted something on Facebook that contained an error due to my misunderstanding. A friend contacted me to let me know of the error. I am thankful for her correction because I do not want to mislead people. In my life, especially my faith, I have grown because people have challenged me and at times corrected me. I am thankful for all the people who in charity care enough to help me grow through fraternal correction.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 4- Breast Feeding

Today I am thankful that I am able to breastfeed my daughter. I have some friends who were so disappointed when they either were not able to breastfeed at all or only do it short term and I was nervous hoping I wouldn't have trouble. Praise God breastfeeding came easy to Mary and I. I cherish the time we spend sitting in the glider with her nursing. She often just gazes up at me and sometimes unlatches just to give me a sweet smile. I love that nursing instantly calms her when anything is wrong and I love that she so easily goes to sleep nursing away. And to top it all off, I love how healthy it is for Mary. Today I am thankful for breastfeeding and look forward to many more months of that beautiful act of bonding with our girl!

Here is some great info on the benefits of breastfeeding

Day 3- So Cal weather

Today I am thankful for So Cal weather! It's November and Mary and I
were able to get outside for a walk around the Irvine farmer's market. I loved talking to her as we strolled around the outdoor market. Afternoons like these are so special and are the memories I will really cherish when many years from now I look back on her time as a baby.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2- Love Languages

Today I'm thankful for love languages. Have you ever heard of The Five Love
Languages by Gary Chapman? It is such an interesting book and concept.
He basically says that everyone has a love language and in order to
best love another person you should show that love via their specific
language. My love language is physical touch. Makes sense why
yesterday's day of thankfulness was co sleeping :) I feel loved when my
husband holds my hand, rubs my back, and puts his arm around me. I
feel loved when my daughter puts her head on my shoulder or reaches
out to touch my arm while she sleeps. My husband has the same love
language as me and I am thankful for that because it makes it easier
for us to effectively express love to each other as we speak each others love language naturally. When I am upset or feeling my love tank isn't full I know exactly what will fill it up
because I know my love language. And because I know Eric's love
language I know to rub his back or snuggle up to him when I want to fill what Chapman calls his "love tank". So I am thankful for the love languages because they make feeling loved and loving others so much easier!

More info on the Love Languages can be read here

30 Days of Thanksgiving...Day 1: Co-Sleeping

During this month with Thanksgiving I am going to reflect each day on something I am thankful for. I think this is a great yearly exercise to remind ourselves just how blessed we are.

Today I am thankful for co sleeping. I love sleeping with my little girl in
our bed. Some people don't understand co sleeping and question it
or think it's weird. I hear comments like "you're spoiling her", "she
will never sleep in her own bed because you're creating bad habits" or "how
do you ever get 'mommy and daddy time' <wink wink> if you know what I
mean." But when I think of co sleeping I see nights with plenty of
sleep for both baby and I. I see a baby becoming beautifully attached
to her mommy. I see me not having to worry if she is ok in another
room, I can just look over and see her fast asleep. I am thankful for
co sleeping because I love that my daughter at just 3 months old
reaches out to have her hand on me while she sleeps because the mere
touch of mommy brings her comfort. I love co sleeping and I'm so
thankful we chose to do it with our little Mary!

BTW: co sleeping does not spoil children, she won't be sleeping with
us her whole life, and co sleeping parents find plenty of time for
"mommy and daddy time"

If you are interested in more info about co-sleeping check out this link

I get to sleep next to this beautiful burrito every night:)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Godliness of Motherhood

Eric and I celebrated 1 year of marriage this month and I would be remiss to not write a blog about our first year of marriage. This is not that blog because I am still prayerfully meditating on the glory of marriage before sitting down to write. I am working on a blog about all that I learned in our first year of marriage so that is coming soon!

This morning I read a beautiful reflection on motherhood. The author said "God could be everywhere and he proved it by making mothers." This hit my heart so strongly and reminded me that to our precious daughter I am a reflection of the love of God. Meditating on this idea further I began to think about where she is at right now in her development. The last few days she has wanted mommy and mommy alone. She will go to daddy for a few minutes but very quickly begins to make little sad sounds that are immediately calmed once she is in my arms. I suspect she is teething but whatever it may be, she is mommy's girl right now. I love so much that my mere presence can make her feel so comforted. Upon getting two shots recently she was instantly calmed by me nursing her.  The same thing when she has a sore bottom from diaper rash and a sore face from bonking herself with her Elmo rattle, as soon as she was in my arms nursing she was calm and soothed. How incredible that is and such an amazing feeling for me as her mommy. This combined with the article I read this morning got me to thinking. What if we were that dependent on and comforted by Our Heavenly Father? What if just merely being in His presence (which we are at every moment) made us feel that no matter what was going on, everything would be okay. What is His loving arms brought us comfort when we experience pain and what if we constantly wanted to be with him accepting no substitute? How beautiful our life would be if we had the same dependance on God that our daughter now has on me! How much joy we would experience if God was all that we needed. My prayer today is that we all throw ourselves into the arms of God with absolute trust and way a baby does in the arms of her mother.

Here is the article I read this morning. It is worth a read especially if you are a mother. Motherhood is certainly the best gift God has every given me! I am overwhelmed with joy every single day that I look into the eyes of this precious soul entrusted to my care.
According to a Jewish proverb, “God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers.” This is a fine, enduring sentiment. I do think, however, that by reversing the statement we come closer to the truth: “God could be everywhere and proved it by creating mothers.” - See more at:
According to a Jewish proverb, “God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers.” This is a fine, enduring sentiment. I do think, however, that by reversing the statement we come closer to the truth: “God could be everywhere and proved it by creating mothers.” - See more at:
According to a Jewish proverb, “God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers.” This is a fine, enduring sentiment. I do think, however, that by reversing the statement we come closer to the truth: “God could be everywhere and proved it by creating mothers.” - See more at:

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mass- what a gift it is

I read the below reflection on Facebook this morning and I couldn't say it better myself so I am sharing the text directly! Happy Sunday! Don't forget that today is the first day of a nine day novena to Saint Therese.

Here is a link to my favorite novena to her! Please consider joining me in prayer...and keep an eye out for roses ;-)

Reflection on the Mass:
The Mass is the MOST important and sacred act of worship in the Catholic Church.

The Mass incorporates the Bible (Sacred Scripture), prayer, sacrifice, hymns, symbols, gestures, sacred food for the soul, and directions on how to live a Catholic life — all in one ceremony. Through time and space, we connect with the original Last Supper.

The Church teaches that the Mass is the re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary. This is misunderstood by many non-Catholics who claim that the Mass is a re-crucifixion of Christ. It is not.

Jesus Christ celebrated the first Mass with His disciples at the Last Supper, the night before He died. He commanded His disciples, “Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). The celebration of the Mass then became the main form of worship in the early Church, as a reenactment of the Last Supper, as Christ had commanded.

Each and every Mass since commemorates Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross through the Holy Eucharist. Because the Mass “re-presents” (makes present) the sacrifice on Calvary, Catholics all around the world join together to be made present in Christ’s timeless sacrifice for our sins. There is something fascinating about continuing to celebrate the same Mass—instituted by Christ and practiced by the early Church.

If you are Catholic, you are obliged to go to Mass every Sunday – not just on Sundays when you wake up early enough, it’s convenient, or when you feel like it. You love and feed your family whether you feel like or not right? You need to feed yourself and your family spiritually whether you feel like going or not too. (Legitimate reasons to miss Mass would be along the lines of illness, needing to care for the ill, and lack of an available Mass within a reasonable distance.)

A lot of Catholics don’t attend Mass as they should, perhaps because we do not realize it is a requirement and a mortal sin to miss it, or possibly because we take for granted what is really happening at the Mass, and it is not a priority in our lives. But if you really understood and knew what was happening, you wouldn't just go on Sundays, you would want to go every day.

Attending Mass is not just an obligation, it’s a privilege. God knows we need it, and it is His gift to us. Mass should be the highlight of our week. We should look forward to it and want to go. And when we don’t, it’s a reminder that we need to work harder to more fully understand the reality of what happens at Mass.

Think about the hours you spend on Sundays watching sports, sleeping in, or going to the gym to get physically fit. What if you went to the gym just one hour per week? How physically fit would you be with just one hour? God asks for only one hour per week at Mass. (Please give him many more hours of this throughout the week in prayer, reading the Bible and other Catholic books, or at daily Mass.) Mass will help bring us closer to Him, bring grace in our souls and is a great start for your week in getting spiritually fit.

It's human and natural to forget, get lazy, take it for granted, or become numb to it, but we have to continually work to overcome that trap. The devil is real and loves it when you stay home. At Mass we are being offered the greatest gift God has to offer –the source and summit of our Faith, Jesus Christ Himself. Go whether you feel like going or not. Love God always, even when you don't feel like loving Him. Love is much more than feelings. Love is a sacrifice and putting others before yourself.

When we receive the Eucharist, we truly, physically receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ, of God Himself – at every Mass. If you're looking for a personal relationships with Jesus Christ, you can't get any more personal than when you receive Him in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith.

Staying home thinking missing Mass doesn't matter, or that watching it on tv, or being a good person is enough - is wrong. If you are a Catholic, you are supposed to go to Mass every week, and on Holy Days of Obligation. If you don't understand the Mass, or are bored, and are looking for better "entertainment" - then pray for understanding. We go to Mass to worship God. We get down on our knees at Mass to humble ourselves before our King. It's not about "us" remember. We don't go to Mass to be entertained, or demand that the priest's homily be exciting, or if it isn't we aren't going back. We go to Mass to worship God, hear His word in the Liturgy of the Word, and receive Christ's body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist. We go to worship, not be entertained.

At Mass today try to really listen to the readings. Better yet, read them before Mass, and then really listen to the readings. We can all get distracted, but if we really try to be really present, listen and participate, the Mass will be even that more beautiful.

An inspiring homily and beautiful music absolutely add to the beauty of the Mass, but even without these things, remember - Christ is there in the Eucharist. Christ is truly present. That alone should make you want to never skip Mass, be there on time, not leave early without a good reason, and thank God for this wonderful gift.

Read, study, seek more understanding, and most of all, pray that you will come to a better appreciation and love for this most beautiful gift that Jesus Christ Himself (not man) gave to you over 2000 years ago.

Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Being Home

As schools are starting back up these past few weeks I can not help but stop and think about the fact that I am not going back to another year of teaching. I loved teaching. I can honestly say that I never dreaded going to work. I loved what I did and the people I worked with. I always knew though that if God called me to motherhood that I would give up a beautiful profession to become a different kind of teacher, a teacher to my children. God has indeed blessed me with motherhood and beyond that he has also blessed me with a very hard working husband who is committed to me being home with our daughter. Me quitting my job and staying home was an absolute for us. Of course my income was great and could afford us many luxuries. We would love to buy a big family house one day and if I kept working I am sure that would become a reality much sooner but at what cost? Some mom's work because they have to in order to put food on the table and I have nothing but admiration for them. It must be incredibly difficult to work full time and be a mommy. Balancing the two seems impossible. Eric makes plenty of money to provide for the necessities and more and many might assume that I am staying home because Eric has such a great job. Truth is that I would be home if Eric made way less money. We would find ways to cut costs and things that aren't necessary because we see my being home as more important. Any time we make a choice we have to look at the costs involved and ask ourselves if it is worth it.  What are we sacrificing? If I were to continue to work we would sacrifice my precious time with our daughter. The cost would be daily moments when I get to witness her growing and be her guide as she learns to navigate through life. Countless articles have been written about the benefits to children of a mom at home. Just listen to 1 episode of Dr Laura and you will hear her go on and on about mommy being home.  Here is info right from stay at home moms about some of the benefits. Linked below is another great article about the benefits of a mom at home for the kids, husband, and mom herself. It will likely challenge you but I encourage all to read it and truly consider what it says.

I am forever grateful that I get to be with my daughter every day and whatever delay in material things we desire that happens as a result of having one income is completely worth it. I believe that Mary will one day be grateful to her daddy for working so hard so mommy can be home. I am already so thankful to have a husband who works hard so I can be home to witness every sweet smile.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our Birth Story

I have been asked a lot in the last month about my birth story and when I was preparing for labor and delivery I found that reading other people's birth stories was helpful so I have decided to write mine down as well. It's long but I want to be able to look back and remember the details that brought my daughter out of the womb and into our arms.

A few weeks before my due date I had my first false alarm. The nurse that I spoke to told me the baby would likely come in the next few days. Boy, was she ever wrong as Mary stayed inside 10 days past her due date. It didn't totally surprise us since at my first check at 37 weeks I was already beginning to dilate. With those words from the nurse, Eric and I went into a mode of active waiting. I became a ticking time bomb. We were expecting at any moment for me to fly into full labor. Our hospital bags were packed and our birth plan printed out (all two full pages of details). That birth plan would end up being thrown out the window but more about that later.

Days went by and no baby. My due date (July 6th) came and went. Eric took a few days off work since we thought Mary was coming but eventually we realized this baby was very cozy inside and Eric returned to work. Tuesday, July 9th, I began having pains and felt all together strange so I called Eric and asked him to come home. The pains began to get more regular so we called the doctor who told us to head to the hospital to get checked. Once we got there we realized that we had another false alarm. The nurse said it was early labor but not not active enough to be in the hospital. Once gain, they said it would likely be any day now and once again were they ever wrong. Those nurses had no idea how much this girl wanted to stay inside with her 24 hour, temperature controlled, buffet.

More time went by and we began growing weary. It was getting more and more difficult to wait. As we got further and further past my due date the discussion of induction came up with the doctor. My mom had very late babies so I had previously shared with the doctor that I wanted to wait as long as possible before inducing. She was wonderful and agreed that as long as everyone was healthy we could wait until 42 weeks to induce. At each weekly appointment they found I was making some progress but not as much as they wanted. I was having tons of contractions but they seemed to be only slightly helping my cervix along. The hardest part of this all for me was the pain I was now in. Every night for several hours Mary would move vigorously in my tummy. At this point she was so big that her movements were extremely painful and would at times leave me almost in tears. Each night I would beg God to send me into labor. I often told him I couldn't take anymore even though deep down I knew I could and had a feeling I was going to be asked to endure more days. I offered the pain for a safe delivery for Mary. I would begin to pray that the pain be an offering to not have a C-Section (our biggest concern) but could never actually gets those words out in my prayers. I knew that I needed to just put everything in God's hands and not make demands about how labor and delivery should go.

On July 14th, I began having pains again. We timed them and when they were 5 minutes apart of a few hours we headed to the hospital. It was about 2am when we got there and again they told me I was not in full labor. They said I was definitely in labor but still early labor. (By the way, if you ever read a pregnancy book that claims that you should try to go out to dinner or watch a movie during early labor, ignore those pages! Early labor is labor and it does hurt and is tiring so going out won't be in your mind.) At this point, I was 8 days past due and the doctor at the hospital requested that I stay and be induced into active labor. The doctor also saw something on the fetal heart monitor that concerned him. Her heart rate would speed up and then suddenly dip. This only happened once so he couldn't conclude anything was wrong but doctors don't really like women to go past 41 weeks and he was concerned. I did not feel at peace about being induced at this point so I asked to talk to my doctor before making a decision. My doctor asked for some extra fetal monitoring and once everything showed that Mary was just find my doctor agreed to let me go home and wait in hopes that active labor would come on its own. We asked her how we can be sure that next time isn't another false alarm and she said don't go in until contractions are 3-5 minutes apart or they pain is more than I can handle.

So back home we went but not for long. Contractions picked up again the evening of the 15th. I had over an hour of hard contractions that were 6 minutes apart. Every time Eric would check the time and tell me 6 minutes I would almost laugh. The doctor said 3-5 minutes and of course my contractions were 6 minutes apart. This little girl was teasing us! I found comfort in the warm shower but once the hot water ran out I decided to try to lay in bed. Just a few minutes later a crazy pain struck and I yelped in pain and began to cry. Something had changed! That first intense contraction was of a very different kind. I had another one just a few minutes later, then a third again a few minutes later. Eric was laying next to me in the bed and when the third contraction hit I yelled, "get me to a hospital!" With that, Eric, too, knew something had changed and he jumped out of bed and began getting everything in the car so we could go. On the way to the hospital (10 minutes away), I had three more contractions. They were coming close together and I knew this had to be real labor. We got to the labor and delivery desk and I had another one there in front of the nurses. Now, on our previous visits they had taken us to triage to assess if I was really in labor but this time they took us straight to a labor and delivery room. Eric asked how they knew I was truly in active labor this time and the nurse responded, "just look at her face, that is real labor!"

They checked my dilation and finally I had progressed another centimeter. I was admitted and the IV was started. Eric and I were excited but for some reason still cautious and worried they would send us home again. The nurses assured me that I was not going home and began giving me Penicillin because I was strep B positive. They also gave me fluids which slowed the contractions down. They were still very strong but not as regular. I decided I would get the epidural. I was previously opposed to the epidural and desired an all natural labor but I got scared and decided to accept the available help.

Before giving me the epidural the on call doctor came in to check me. After a few more hours I had not made any more progress. I felt so defeated. All those intense contractions and nothing! She said the contractions were strong enough but not often enough to dilate my cervix. She gave me three options: break my water, give me pitocin, or send me home. I immediately told Eric that going home was not an option. I was in so much pain and could not bare it much longer. This was the point when the birth plan went out the window. We did not want any induction methods but at this point we needed to trust the doctors and consider what they were recommending.

In my spiritual life I have often found that I can identify God's will because it comes with a great sense of peace. The day before, when induction methods were offered, I had no peace and knew it wasn't time. This time when they suggested induction methods I had peace and knew it was time to accept help moving things along. For some reason my body would not put itself into steady and active labor and needed a little help. After getting input from some girlfriends we decided that breaking my water was the least invasive. They came to do my epidural first and then the doctor broke my water. Right before giving me the epidural and breaking my water they checked my progress and I was at 4 centimeters. I had made it one more centimeter on my own!

After breaking my water they contractions picked up a little but upon checking my progress we found that I had not dilated any more. So now we were moving on to pitocin. I certainly did not want pitocin but at this point had little options. The pitocin worked fast and in just a few hours I was at 7 centimeters and Eric was calling our families to tell them to head to the hospital. Soon I was at 10 centimeters and it was time to push at about 8pm on July 16, 2013. The room was filled with excitement. My mom, Eric's mom, and Eric's sister all stayed with us in the room to see our little girl be born. Pushing seemed to be going well as the nurses kept saying I was pushing exactly right. After about an hour of pushing, my epidural stopped working and I could feel the intense contractions. This is where I have to admit that the movies are right. I began crying out loud at the pain. The pain was very intense thanks to the pitocin. I knew I only had two hours to push before they would get concerned so as I watched the clock tick by I got more and more nervous. After about an hour and forty-five minutes the nurse went to call the doctor. When she returned we got the worst news yet. Mary was not budging and her heart rate was being compromised during the contractions. In fact, it was doing exactly what the previous doctor saw the day prior. The nurse informed us that the doctor wanted to do a C-Section. The energy in the room died. I began to cry asking for alternatives. Eric and I desire a big family and a C-Section could pose challenges and add risks to that desire. After speaking to the doctor on the phone she agreed to wait 30 minutes to see if Mary's heart rate would get better. By the time the doctor got to the hospital Mary's heart rate was in the healthy range so I began pushing again with the doctor. Unfortunately, again, Mary seemed stuck and they were concerned her heart would speed up again so I agreed to the C-Section. As much as I didn't want to end up on the operating table, I had a sense of peace.

They took me into the operating room and prepped Eric to be with me. It took about 6 minutes to get Mary out and I felt a mix of joy and sadness when I heard the doctor say, "time of birth: 11:03 pm." I was filled with joy that my little girl was here but sad that I did not get that dream delivery I hoped for. I didn't get my baby handed to me for skin to skin contact and immediate nursing. I wasn't immediately holding my baby in my arms because I had to be stitched up. Praise God her daddy got to be with her right away. Immediately after the baby was out they pumped me with narcotics for the coming pain. I had a strong reaction to the narcotics and it took about 2 hours for me to regain my vision, stop shaking, and be able to really see Mary and hold her. In those two hours Eric bonded with his daughter. God knows what He is doing and I am sure that time of bonding will set those two up to have an incredible relationship. I worried about her attachment to me but now 1 month later I can say that is not an issue at all. Our little girl is fully attached to her mommy! We were finally taken to a hospital room and our families were let in to see Mary before heading home to get some sleep (it was now 2am).

Labor and delivery did not go as Eric and I planned. Our birth plan, in fact, was thrown out the window. In the end I learned so much from the experience. Mostly I learned to be docile to the will of God and trust that He is in control. The doctor informed me that Mary got stuck on my tailbone so no matter what we tried that girl was not coming out any other way than C-Section. The doctor heard my desire to have a big family and did a special kind of stitch ("double stitch") on my uterus that should give us the best chance at a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarian) with the next baby. I am so thankful to have had Eric by my side during this whole experience. When they were prepping me for surgery I kept saying, "where is my husband?" and once he was there I felt immediately at ease and knew I could face this with him by my side.

Here are a few pictures of Mary's first moments. You may also have seen her in the OC Register or on the local news as she and her friend Dorothy were big news since they were born on the same day with both of their daddy's assigned to the same fire station, on the same shift, live in the same housing complex, and whose fathers were also both firemen.

Ready for surgery! The position of laying like on a cross is so appropriate as this is a total offering of ones body.

Daddy cutting the cord

 10 days late = a big girl! This may have contributed to her getting stuck.

Mommy and baby first meet! 

Happy family!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Our Lady of Fatima

They said I would never run a marathon on a injured leg and I proved them wrong! My doctor is now thinking I may need induction to have this baby but once I again I can prove them wrong! Tomorrow is the anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima in which she revealed the three secrets to the children she appeared to. Our Lady of Fatima has already been very special to our family so I am entrusting baby Mary's birth to her. I believe with all my heart that Mary can bring baby Mary to the outside world tomorrow on a special Fatima day if it is God's will. Perhaps all this time that is exactly what baby Mary was waiting for. Eric and I will be storming heaven from the adoration chapel tonight putting all into the hands of Christ, His Mother and Saint Therese asking to have peace and trust in whatever happens. In the Gospel of Matthew we are told: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened" (Mt 7:7). Tonight Eric and I will "ask, seek, and knock" at the adoration chapel and trust whatever God wills for this little ones birth. If that means induction then so be it. We are docile to the will of God and trust in His ways!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Tomorrow I get to finally have two of my worlds come together. My beautiful friend Sr. Catherine Marie of the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist will meet Eric. Sr. Catherine tried so hard to foster a religious vocation in me and at times I too thought religious life could be my vocation. The problem was that as much as the life of a religious sister was beautiful to me, it just never felt quite right. I would see the peace and joy Sr. Catherine had as a sister and when I thought of that being my life the same peace and joy wasn't there. It was a mystery to both her and I as well as my spiritual director. I had to just keep trusting that one day it would all make sense. Well, I am so excited for Sr. Catherine to meet Eric because it will finally all make sense to her the way it does to me and did for my spiritual director when he met Eric. The peace and the joy that she feels as a religious sister, that peace and joy I did not feel, I completely feel with Eric. God did not call me to religious life because He knew my path to holiness would best be found in Eric. Eric draws me to holiness in ways i could not have imagined but God always knew. I highly encourage all catholic men and women to discern religious life but most importantly to abandon their vocation to God. God is so faithful. He just asks for our trust and obedience and His rewards are abundant. I am so excited for Sr. Catherine to meet Eric because she will see further proof of how beautiful it is to live out ones vocation. We have two different vocations but the same peace and joy that comes from doing the will of God.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

40 Weeks

Due date has arrived! I can't believe I made it! Thinking back to all those sick days this seemed so far away but here we are. Mary could literally come any day now. She can come whenever she wants, in her own perfect timing. Mommy, Daddy, and a whole lot of other people can't wait to meet her. Here is a fun look back at how we have grown...

5 weeks, first trimester- apple seed

13 weeks, second trimester- apple

 27 weeks, third trimester- jicama

37 weeks, full term- watermelon

40 weeks, baby is fully cooked!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mommy Boot Camp

At the beginning of my pregnancy a friend of mine told me that pregnancy is mommy boot camp. So many times have I thought about that statement and I find myself once again today reflecting deeper on how true that is. To be a good mommy the most important aspect one should strive to possess is uniformity with God's will. Our children and our life are not our own. Everything and everyone belong to God. As a mommy God is entrusting me with the incredible task of helping Him form His children into the Saints he intends them to be. For 9 months pregnancy has been trying to prepare me to give up my ways and abandon to His ways and just recently did I really figure this out. The reason pregnancy is mommy boot camp is because it comes with many unexpected turns and opportunities to get in line with God's will not my own. In life we often have ideas about how we think things are supposed to go. The problem with that last sentence is the word "we" which really should be replaced with the word "God." It should read: In life God often (always) has ideas about how God thinks things are supposed to go. Our job is to discover His ways and abandon ourselves to them. I went into pregnancy with so many ideas about how I wanted things to go. I developed an elaborate birth plan about how I think my labor and delivery should go. There was a lot of "I" thinking. But over and over again God has given me opportunities to grow in trust of Him by having things be different than I planned them to be. I have a choice now, I can either kick and scream and be upset with God or I can say thank you because I know He knows what is best. My life belongs to him and so does the life of my precious daughter. I am thankful that my pregnancy has been what it has been because it truly is boot camp as I am learning more and more to be uniform with God's will. That uniformity will be the key to being the holy mother I pray I can be for our daughter.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Full Term

Our little Mary will be considered full term on Saturday and while it will likely be a few more weeks, she could safely come any day. At the last appointment the doctor could tell that I am already making progress towards delivery and the reality of her birth being so close put my nesting into overdrive. With the help of a wonderful friend, Mary's clothes, sheets, and blankets have all been washed and baby items assembled. Physically we are pretty much ready for her but what about spiritually? We have so much "stuff" for her but these material things aren't what will fulfill her or make her the little child of God she is meant to be. Even more than physical nesting, it is time for some spiritual nesting. As God moves parenthood into the next stage for Eric and I, we need to prepare ourselves to be the parents God wants us to be.  Starting Saturday when Mary is full term I am going to take time each day to make a holy hour with our Lord. During this time I am only going to allow myself a few minutes for prayers of petition asking for a healthy and safe delivery (might even push things a little and ask for an easy delivery since He is a God who likes to spoil us :). I am going to spend the majority of the hour just listening. I know that life won't be silent much once Mary comes so I am going to use this time now to just sit and listen to Our Lord and His Mother teach me how to be a holy mother. Please keep Eric and I in your prayers. This adventure of parenthood has already proven so sanctifying and I am certain that the next stage of parenthood to a little one on the outside has even more potential to help us grow in virtue and faith if we are docile to the ways God will form us and allow Mary to push us to grow.

"Speak Lord, your servant is listening"

Friday, May 31, 2013

Wedding Video

Our wedding video has arrived. It is so fun to watch and relive the best day of my life. Click here for a link to the highlights reel if you would like to take a look :)

The ending is my favorite part so make sure you watch all the way through!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

First Mothers Day

I started the day today staring at this little face, moved to tears over the joy and blessing of being her mommy. It feels like today, I want to celebrate her because it is through her that I have received the incredibly gift of motherhood and my new path to sanctity. My only desire and prayer this day is the transformation my heart to be more like the heart of the Blessed Mother so that I can be a good holy mother to my daughter. Through holding tight to the rosary and seeking every day to imitate the virtues of the Blessed Mother I may have a glimpse of Mother Mary's heart and ability to love my daughter as our heavenly mother loves all her children. I am thankful for all the women in my life who show me a mothers love, especially my mom and mother-in-law who are both incredible examples of true motherhood. A deep desire in my heart was filled the day I found out I am a mom and I pray that I may use this gift to draw closer to Our Lord! Jesus help me to love my daughter with the sacrificial love with which you love me.

On this special day I also remember heavy in my heart all of my dear loved ones who have lost their children to miscarriage and early delivery. You are forever a mother and I pray that your heart would be consoled on this day knowing that you created a perfect home for your special baby until they were entrusted again to our merciful father in heaven.